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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1866

Chapter 1866: Captured Again

Vicki suddenly grabbed his arm, her voice softened, and it was even difficult to notice her fingers trembling slightly.

"I don't want to see those consequences. I'm genuinely worried about you. Do you understand?"

Felix, with his long arms, suddenly embraced Vicki tightly. In fact, he had wanted to do this for a long time. From the moment he first saw her in the hall, he had the urge to hold her in his arms, unable to resist the desire to keep her by his side and never be apart again.

"I understand. But I really don't want to be separated from you again, not even for a minute. Do you understand? I'm fine, I know the condition of my body."

Vicki leaned against Felix's embrace, feeling the warmth of his body. She let out a long sigh. "Alright. If you feel cold, you must tell me immediately."

"Mm." Felix lowered his head and gently kissed her lips, but only briefly, because there were others nearby. He didn't let his longing take over completely. He just needed to endure a little longer until everything was over. Then they could be together forever.

As they continued deeper into the mountains, Vicki suddenly frowned.

"Felix, have you smelled anything unusual?"

Felix shook his head. "I've had a cold these past few days, so I haven't smelled anything. What's wrong? Is something off?"

"It feels like there's a faint smell of burning coming from up ahead, not like the smell of a wildfire." Vicki pointed diagonally ahead. "Over there, I'm sure it's that direction."

Felix furrowed his brow. "Could it be a trap? Are they intentionally leading us there? Should I signal Mr. Ball and Mr. Warner to come and join us?"

"I'm not sure, but if there's a strange smell, there must be someone. It's also possible that they are destroying something. If we hastily call Mr. Ball and Mr. Warner, it might draw too much attention. It's better if we investigate cautiously ourselves." Vicki pondered for a moment.

"Alright, let's do that." Felix waved his hand, signaling the people behind them to follow.

He gave some instructions and arranged for them to advance toward the destination in a flanking formation.

To avoid making too much noise, the group dispersed and quietly infiltrated the area.

As they walked deeper, Vicki suddenly pulled Felix and dragged him behind a large tree.

Felix's expression changed as he followed Vicki's gaze.

Sure enough, amidst the lush bushes, wisps of blue smoke rose, obscuring most of the view. But faintly, they could see several figures moving around. There were indeed people here, and they had no idea what they were doing.

Suddenly, a person rushed out of the smoke, as if trying to grab something.

In passing, his entire face was revealed.

Vicki had excellent vision, and she saw it clearly. She muttered, "It's him!"

Felix lowered his voice and asked, "What's wrong? Do you know this man?"

Vicki whispered, "I've seen him twice. He's one of Athena's subordinates."

"What! How could Athena's people be here? Could it be..." Felix seemed to have realized something, his eyes widening as he stared at Vicki.

"Could it be that Seren has joined forces with Athena?" Felix almost couldn't control his voice. He quickly covered his lips.


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