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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1882

Chapter 1882: She Still Doesn't Recognize Her

Luther choked up, "Alisha, sweetheart, daddy will come to see you soon. I'll take you to see the sea, okay? We'll go to the beach, play with the sand, build sandcastles, catch crabs, and collect seashells. Those are all the things Alisha loves to do the most. Daddy will even buy you a very, very big doll."

"Okay, daddy, you must come quickly, okay?"

Alisha faced the camera, revealing a big, sweet smile at Luther.

Joyce, watching from the side, felt her eyes welling up. This was wonderful-Alisha had changed a lot. Back when she had just woken up in the hospital, she had resisted them fiercely, believing that Luther was deceiving her, only trying to separate her from Athena. She had called them all bad people, even saying that Anderson was a wild child Luther had outside, and expressing hatred towards them.

Every word echoed vividly in her mind, the scene playing out as if it were happening all over again.

It couldn't be helped. It was a case of imprinting. When Alisha had first woken up, the first person she saw was Athena, who had deeply instilled various misconceptions in Alisha. It was indeed difficult to correct.

Thankfully, there was Cecelia, with her kind and patient nature as a mother. She patiently taught Alisha, and finally, there was some progress.

In the video, Alisha asked Anderson, "Brother, grandma said you're really good at using a slingshot. But grandma also said I'm very talented too. Shall we have a contest in the future? Let's see who's better."

"Sure. I can also teach you how to play games, I'm an expert at playing games. I can play all sorts of games. Once I've taught you, the two of us can play games together online. I'll be with you, no one will dare to bully you," Anderson gestured, "I'll be unbeatable."

"Haha," Alisha laughed joyfully.

After chatting for a while, Cecelia asked Alisha to go play on her own for a bit. Then she sat down, looking serious, and said, "Joyce, Luther, I want to talk to you both alone, let Anderson play for a while first."

Anderson looked at the camera, nodded understandingly, "Okay, grandma, then I'll go play now. Remember to video call me later, I'm always available."

"Okay, go ahead, Anderson is really obedient," Cecelia waved her hand, a kind smile playing at the corner of her lips.

Anderson handed the computer over to Luther and Joyce, then he happily bounced upstairs to continue playing his games.

Once Anderson had left, Joyce and Luther both sat in front of the camera.

Cecelia began, "Joyce, Alisha's condition has improved a lot recently. Luther has taken care of her attentively, and she still has some feelings, so she has accepted her father first. At the same time, she has slowly accepted the fact that her father has another child. Currently, she knows that Anderson is her brother, but her concept is that of a half-brother. Although she has recognized her father again, she still can't accept you as her mother, so she also doesn't grasp the concept of her and Anderson being twins. Give me some more time on this."


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