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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1907

Chapter 1907: Our Time of Death Has Come

Athena's eyes grew increasingly frenzied. "I used to love you so much, but you didn't cherish it. Now that you've brought yourself to a dead end, don't blame me. What does Joyce have that's so good? Is she prettier than me? Does she have more power and authority than me? I have the support of the Yoshikawa family. I'm not inferior to her. Besides, I was the one who met you first, what is she compared to me?"

"Don't compare yourself to her. You're not worthy," Luther's eyes held nothing but disgust, not even a hint of pity. "You're just a beautiful facade, rotten inside. Your mind is twisted, filled with evil thoughts, using children, committing all sorts of atrocities. You're obsessively insane, almost pathological, never thinking you're wrong."

Christian fiercely shut his eyes, looking at the deranged Athena before him. It dawned on him deeply that Athena had a mental illness since she was young, something he had deliberately refused to face. He should have taken her for treatment early on. Maybe then, all these mistakes could have been avoided.

"Hand over the remote control, or I'll shoot. I'll count to three. One, two..."

"Haha," Athena laughed wildly, then restrained her smile. Her gaze turned sinister as she interrupted Joyce. "It's useless no matter how far you count. Even if you shoot me now, it won't change anything. Do you really think I still have the remote control in my hand? Do you think you can manipulate me? You're wrong. The countdown started when the basement door was sealed. Now, there are ten seconds left before the sprinklers release the poison gas. Our time of death has come!"

Joyce, upon hearing this, tightened her grip on the gun, her pupils contracting sharply. Athena's determination for death was something they had overlooked, and even if they sought help now, it might be too late. Though she had brought a gun, it seemed futile.

Was it really the end for them?

She instinctively placed her hand on her abdomen. It wasn't just about them, but also about the two children inside her. At this moment, a chill spread through her body uncontrollably, and she shivered involuntarily.

As Athena began counting down, "Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one!" When she finished, a "click" echoed through the empty basement, followed by all the sprinkler heads above them simultaneously opening, releasing wisps of white smoke that quickly formed into billowing clouds.

"Hahaha," Athena became even more excited, lifting her head and deeply inhaling the smoky air. Her expression was now maniacal. "Can you feel it? This is the air of death, slightly pungent, with a hint of fragrance, because I intentionally mixed in some floral scents. Making everyone's journey to death more comfortable. Before long, you'll start feeling weak all over, your mind will grow heavy, then breathing will become difficult, every nerve in our bodies will become numb, muscles slacken, the air in your chest will diminish, until finally, you won't be able to breathe. How does it feel? Are you satisfied with this suffocating way to die?"

Athena cupped the air in her hands, an expression of ecstasy on her face.

Vicki, crossing her arms, displayed a disdainful expression. "She's truly insane."

Felix quickly reached out, covering Vicki's mouth and nose. "Don't speak, try not to inhale the poison gas."

Vicki pushed his hand away. "It's useless. Who can avoid breathing? "


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