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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1985

Chapter 1985: Partiality

With the arrival of the babies in the house, it immediately became lively, and time passed quickly.

Before they knew it, it was already nighttime.

After dinner, several nannies started bathing Wilson and Cullen. A bathroom was specially renovated in the house for them, with two temporary baby baths set up, the heating turned up to the maximum, creating a misty atmosphere.

Cullen particularly enjoyed playing with water, having a blast in the bathroom, his little hands and feet constantly moving.

Joyce couldn't help but reach out and hold Cullen's little hand.

Cecelia smiled and said, "They truly have different personalities, one active and the other calm, born different."

Joyce then touched Wilson's little face, saying, "He looks so content lying in the bath. He's so tiny, so soft, I'm afraid to touch him."

"Celebrate that realization," Cecelia noted. "Children grow quickly, and it feels like we can see them growing every day."

"Yes," Joyce nodded.

Aunt Liu, bathing Wilson, chimed in, "Indeed, in the first two years, children change every day. Wilson is so well-behaved, not crying or fussing. Before, I've had many children cry vigorously during bath time."

Mrs. Powell, bathing Cullen, carefully held him and remarked, "Cullen has a lot of strength; I have to put in some effort to hold him steadily. Also, I've noticed that Cullen sleeps less; from this afternoon until now, he hasn't closed his eyes. Newborns generally sleep for around 20 to 22 hours, and I estimate Cullen only needs about 17 hours of sleep."

"Wilson doesn't sleep much either, maybe 18 hours at most," Aunt Liu added quickly.

"It's just like you were as a child," Cecelia interjected, glancing at Joyce. "You slept very little, always full of energy."

"I did?" Joyce recalled being lost as a child, which was why Cecelia raised her.

"Yes," Cecelia nodded. "I'll never forget how you looked as a child, no matter how much time passes. I'm afraid of forgetting. I couldn't bear not seeing my daughter again."

Joyce held Cecelia's wrist, saying, "Mom, the past is behind us now, and I'm here beside you. I promise to take good care of you and make up for your regrets."

Cecelia patted Joyce's hand, saying, "I have no regrets anymore; I just want you to be happy."

Joyce nodded.

After bathing, Jane and Mrs. Powell helped Wilson and Cullen get dressed. After all the excitement of coming home, they were finally feeling a bit sleepy. They hadn't slept at all the whole afternoon.

Jane and Mrs. Powell carried them back to their respective nursery rooms. Although their rooms were separate, they were connected by a door, making it convenient to go back and forth without disturbing each other in case of crying.

"I'll put the children to sleep," Joyce said as she followed them into the nursery.

Upon returning home, Wilson and Cullen were taken care of by rotating nannies overnight.

"You put Cullen to sleep, and I'll hold Wilson," Cecelia, always active, wanted to spend more time with the children.

They each held the children, gently rocking them.

At this moment, Luther entered the room and approached Joyce, sniffing Cullen lightly. "He smells so good, like milk."


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