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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1988

Chapter 1988: The Unexpected

On the other side, the Rohomes royal family.

The Crown Prince's palace

It was a typical Japanese palace, with wooden beams, blue glazed tiles, and beige lattice doors and windows. Surrounded by a delicate and tranquil Japanese garden, with rock formations and white pebbles. The scene was serene and detached from the earthly realm.

The main hall was filled with blue cushions and one had to take off their shoes to enter.

The night was deep.

At the far end of the main hall, a man in a wide blue robe sat with his back to the door, facing the portraits of the emperors of Rohomes. He seemed to be lost in thought, unmoving.

A dim yellow lamp illuminated his side profile, giving it a slight pallor.

Watanabe Jun had been waiting for a long time, but there was still no movement. He had to approach and respectfully call out, "Your Highness, the Crown Prince."

Clint had been sitting with his eyes closed, but at the sound of the voice, he suddenly opened his eyes, reflecting two sharp glints.

He stood up leisurely, his high-quality silk robe flowing like water.

Taking out a multi-million dollar watch from his pocket, he elegantly put it on.

At the same time, his gaze focused on the emerald ring on his thumb.

Gently twirling it, he softly spoke, "Continue."

Only then did Watanabe dare to speak, "Your Highness, I have gathered all the information you asked for. Joyce arrived at the hospital and successfully gave birth to twin boys, after two days of unconsciousness, she woke up and is now physically well. The two boys spent a week in an incubator and have now been discharged home."

Clint unconsciously twirled the ring on his thumb. "I see."

In fact, he had known this information already, but it was good to confirm. Joyce was safe and the birth was successful. If he had forced her to leave that day, it could have ended differently.

"Anything else?" Clint raised an eyebrow.

Watanabe quickly said, "Your Highness, our people have successfully planted themselves around them. They have not been detected."

"Is that so? Luther is very cautious, do not be complacent," Clint brushed off the creases in front of him. "Don't be too confident."

Even he himself had not been able to conceal his identity. He knew that Luther was always wary of him. Even if Joyce had not accidentally seen him, he wouldn't have been able to keep it from them for long. This was why he was eager to infiltrate their home and gather information. Unfortunately, he had failed.

But that didn't mean he was giving up.

"Yes, Your Highness," Watanabe nodded. "Our planted individuals have infiltrated as four of the baby's caregivers. They will never suspect who it is. One of them is a long-dormant informant of ours that has just been activated. I have already received the latest information from her. She hasn't found an opportunity yet, but she is still watching and will report to me immediately if anything happens."

Clint slowly turned, his proud gaze sweeping over Watanabe.

"Understood, you may leave. You have done well with this matter."

"Thank you, Your Highness," Watanabe respectfully turned and quickly left.

The empty hall was now only occupied by Clint.

A mysterious smirk played at the corner of his lips. Hearing the news of Joyce's safe childbirth undoubtedly lifted his spirits. He didn't want her to be harmed, and with mother and children safe, he had repaid her a favor.

Twirling his emerald ring, his mind began to wander.

Although brief, after returning to Rohomes, he found himself strangely nostalgic for the days spent living in the dormitories. It was strange that despite being raised in luxury with palaces and exquisite meals, he would miss the simple life of a commoner. Even he felt surprised at this revelation, reminiscing about the times spent with Joyce.

He suddenly clenched his fists.

He wouldn't just let it go. He needed to get what he wanted.

A cold sneer curled at the corner of his lips. Joyce, we will meet again.


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