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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 2024

Chapter 2024 - Spy

"Madame General, actually I have been married and have had a child. That was a long, long time ago, when I was not even 20 years old," Elsa choked up as she recounted the events, "My parents died early, and I had no one to take care of me. I was fostered by relatives and started working and studying at the age of 16. Later, I met a man who was really good to me. Perhaps it was because I lacked love, and someone showing me a little bit of love made me cherish it. Even now, I consider that time the happiest in my life. He was like a ray of light in my life, and I could never forget him."

"Not long after, I became pregnant. When he found out, he was very happy. He looked forward to the arrival of the baby every day and did everything to make delicious food for me. But sometimes, in the middle of the night when I woke up, he wasn't there. I would see him sitting alone on the balcony, smoking. He didn't usually smoke unless he was under a lot of work pressure. I thought he was worried about the economic burden of raising a child and didn't want to show it in front of me. I had already decided that after giving birth, I wouldn't rest for long. I would immediately take on more work to ease his burden. In my opinion, as long as two people love each other, all these difficulties can be overcome."

"I never thought that he was not an ordinary person; it turns out he was a Rohomes person. He came to this land with a mission. At that time, I had no concept of the word 'spy'. His work in the so-called technical department was just a cover. His real goal was to bring back core technology to Rohomes. And I, I was completely unexpected in his plans. Not to mention the unexpected arrival of this child."

"At that time, I didn't know that he already had thoughts of leaving the organization. He made many efforts to stay with me and the child. No wonder, one time he asked me if I would like to live in a different country? Such as some unknown small island. Without much thought, I refused. Leaving this land requires courage, and I was not prepared at all. He fell silent and said he was just joking."

"I regret now; if I had agreed at that time, maybe the outcome wouldn't have been like this. I also never expected that it would be the last time I would have a heart-to-heart talk with him."

"The day of giving birth came suddenly, more than ten days earlier than the due date. I was completely unprepared, and the pain in my stomach was unbearable. I called him anxiously, but unusually, he never answered the phone. It would have been impossible in the past. I almost gave birth on the street, and a kind-hearted person took me to the hospital. I was in excruciating pain, but he still didn't show up. I almost died, but I gave birth to a baby boy. At that time, I was anxiously waiting for him in the hospital. I had a vague feeling that something was wrong and was more worried that something had happened to him."

"I never expected that I wouldn't see him but instead a group of men in black clothes came and took my child. They didn't say a word. I was weak after giving birth and couldn't stop them. I only saw a tattoo on one of their arms that was the same as his. And that was the last time I saw him, the child, and him. I was deeply traumatized at that time, and I suffered postpartum depression, unable to rest well. Whatever the reason, he wanted to abandon me and take the child. He should have at least given me a reason. With this resentment, I persevered and did not seek death. Later, a relative introduced me to the warlord, trying to help me. Although my relationship with Madame General's family is distant, I am also named Hurley. The people of the warlord were kind to me, gradually soothing my emotional wounds. It wasn't until I entered the warlord's service and worked that I understood the meaning of the tattoo, and I learned what it means to be a spy. I realized how naive I was, having no understanding of the world."

Joyce listened, her heart moved. She grew up in an orphanage and also lacked love, so she too protected herself and was careful not to show her love, fearing getting hurt.

Luther seemed to sense Joyce's change and gently embraced her, tightly holding Anderson by his side.


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