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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 2028

Chapter 2028 Successfully Concluded


The wedding ceremony proceeded smoothly. Joyce, dressed in a pristine white wedding gown, walked hand in hand with Luther into the hall. Iris and Anderson, both in white attire, carried Joyce's long train behind her, following Joyce and Luther. Wilson and Cullen, held by nannies, also entered the hall. The ceremony proceeded in an orderly fashion, with Joyce and Luther receiving heartfelt blessings from the bishop. Their elders also offered their blessings. The entire wedding hall was adorned with flowers, romantic roses, and lilies symbolizing a harmonious union.

Felix, Vicki, Karl, and others stood in the hall, witnessing the blessings. Finally, thunderous applause erupted from the guests. Laughter and joy filled the hall, flower petals scattered everywhere, like a beautiful and romantic petal shower.

Once the ceremony finally concluded, everyone gathered on the spacious lawn outside the reception hall, where various buffet spreads were laid out. Under the sunny, blue sky with a gentle breeze, the golden rays of light shone down, bringing smiles to everyone's faces, creating a dreamlike atmosphere.

Having completed the ceremony, Ralph, busy with military affairs, departed first. Arriving at the top floor of the reception building, a helicopter was waiting. Ralph opened his arms and embraced Joyce before leaving.

"Dad is too busy, no time to spend with you. When you were young, you weren't around. As you grew up, I didn't fulfill my responsibilities. Even on such an important day, I can't spend the whole day with you. Joyce, do you resent me?" Joyce smiled, "How could I? Dad. I'm already so happy you could make it. As a daughter, I can't bear your burdens, especially at your age."

Ralph smiled, patting Joyce's head affectionately like a caring father. "Silly child, no parents don't consider their children. I just hope you will be happy, seeing you with your husband, your four children. It's heartwarming. I am truly happy for you."

Joyce's eyes welled up, sniffing. She turned and waved. Anderson and Iris ran up, shouting affectionately, "Grandpa, goodbye." Ralph hugged Anderson and Iris separately, then Cecelia approached, dusting off his sleeve.

"Go on, I'll be back in a few days. Don't worry about the inner courtyard affairs, I'll handle it. The children don't need your worry, Luther is capable, you can rest assured." Cecelia said softly.

"Okay," Ralph nodded.

Boarding the helicopter and starting the propeller, the helicopter slowly lifted off from the sky. Cecelia held Anderson's left hand, Iris's right hand, "Joyce, Luther, you should rest backstage. The ceremony is over, you must be tired. I'll take the children to eat on the lawn and let them play for a while. I'll handle the guests. You can come over later."

"Okay," Joyce nodded.

"By the way, Mom, at 4 pm, they'll start dismantling here. I'll arrange for you to take Anderson, Iris, Wilson, and Cullen. You can take a boat off the island and return home first. I and Joyce will handle things and come home in the evening."

Cecelia nodded, "Okay. The arrangement is appropriate. I'll call you when I get home. But you can come back tomorrow. How about spending your honeymoon on the island?"

Cecelia hinted, making Joyce blush. "Mom, what honeymoon? We're already an old married couple."

Luther embraced Joyce, "Actually, I was thinking the same thing, I just hadn't mentioned it to Joyce yet."

Of course, there should be a honeymoon, even though they had already been married on paper, they had not spent a true private honeymoon together.


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