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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 2046

Chapter 2046: The Honor of the Family

Joyce returned to the Imperial Villa. Several maids were already waiting there. Her chamber was laid with light-colored mats, giving it a much softer tone compared to Clint's chamber. The screens around were embroidered with cherry blossoms, creating a romantic atmosphere as if one were amidst a shower of cherry petals.

Joyce sat on the floor, facing a long table filled with various exquisite dishes. She counted them and found over fifty different kinds. It was simply too extravagant.

Joyce pointed at the dishes on the table. "Do you think I can eat all this? It's such a waste. What happens to the leftovers? Are they all thrown away?"

One of the maids nodded. "Yes, madam."

Joyce's eyes widened. "This is too much. I remember your people always emphasize thrift and frugality. Why is lunch so lavish?"

"Madam, it is by the prince's order," the maid replied respectfully.

Joyce pointed at five dishes. "Keep these five and this bowl of white rice. Take away the rest. You can have them; I haven't touched them. Don't waste food."

"Yes, madam," the maid agreed without hesitation. "Thank you for your generosity."

The other maids stepped forward and removed the excess dishes.

Joyce rubbed her forehead. Generosity? Why do they have to speak like that? She felt like she had traveled back in time.

Once the extra dishes were cleared, she began to eat, devouring her food in a casual and unrefined manner, shocking the maids.

As she ate, Joyce glanced at them. "What's so interesting? Is it strange?"

The maids quickly shook their heads, not daring to disagree.

After finishing her meal, Joyce took a napkin from the table and wiped her mouth gently. She then wrapped a leftover bone in the napkin and casually tossed it behind her into a trash bin five meters away.

This simple and casual action was something she often did, as accuracy came naturally to her. However, all the maids were stunned.

They couldn't believe their eyes. To throw something into a bin from such a distance without even looking directly at it was an incredible skill.

They had heard that this woman was a renowned sharpshooter and now they saw it firsthand. Despite her unconventional behavior, they finally understood why the prince, who hadn't brought any woman back to the East Palace for thirty years, had brought her here.

After eating, Joyce felt bored. She couldn't make phone calls or use the internet; there was no television either. Without someone to talk to, she would go crazy.

"Come here and chat with me," she said.

A maid approached and knelt before Joyce.

"Madam, what are your orders?"

Joyce waved her hand dismissively. "I have no orders; just want to chat casually. Tell me, why are there chrysanthemums in Clint's palace but cherry blossoms here? Is there a difference?"

The maid thought it was bold of Joyce to call the prince by his first name but didn't dare show it or correct her.

"Madam, chrysanthemum patterns are the emblem of the Tanaka family," she replied.

"Oh," Joyce nodded. "And cherry blossoms? Are they the emblem of the Yoshikawa family?"

Chapter 2046: The Honor Of The Family 1


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