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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 2081

Chapter 2081: From Now On, It’s His World

Clint's eyes turned cold. Hirota intended to frame Joyce and then point the blame at the Pascaylia warlords. Shifting the focus from internal strife to international conflict was indeed a clever move.

"Haha, Your Highness. For so many years, you have kept your distance from women. Yet, at this critical moment, you kidnapped Miss Heath and brought her into the East Palace. The elders of the Yoshikawa family have repeatedly warned you to let her go after having your fun. You ignored their advice and refused to marry into the Yoshikawa family even after His Majesty passed away. You clearly don't respect me. So I had to find another way; you brought this upon yourself."

"Even without marriage, we are supposed to thrive or fall together," Clint said calmly.

"Thrive or fall together?" Hirota sneered. "Previously, I suggested using Joyce to coerce the Heath family into sending troops to help us eliminate other families. You refused. Fine, since you wouldn't agree, I came up with a better plan."

"If I die, do you think you can become emperor?" Clint scoffed. "Will the other families recognize you?"

"Do you have the Imperial Seal or the Dawnblade?" Clint tested him deliberately. "Neither is in your possession."

Hirota's face changed, his brow twitching. Indeed, he had sent someone to steal the Dawnblade, but it was intercepted halfway. Damn it, now the Dawnblade's whereabouts were unknown. He had nothing in his hands.

Clint observed Hirota's expression and knew what was going on. It seemed that Joyce had the Dawnblade now.

He deepened his voice to stall for time. "You have no leverage and still dare to make a move against me?"

"That's why I need to frame the Heath family warlords. Once war breaks out between two countries, internal conflicts will be overshadowed. Joyce killing a prince is a significant international incident. When I raise an army to seek justice for you, my cause will be justifiable. This battle will benefit me regardless of its outcome. The entire nation will unite against an external enemy, and military power will naturally concentrate in my hands. By then, the major families will support me without needing the Imperial Seal or the Dawnblade. Becoming emperor will be logical."

Hirota brushed off his clothes and continued, "When chaos reigns, anyone can sit on the throne. Why should it always be the Tanaka family? Your family has ruled long enough; it's time to step down."

"You certainly have guts," Clint acknowledged with a slight nod and a smile that didn't reach his eyes. Inside, he felt colder than ever. Hirota was inherently combative; his previous restraint had fooled everyone, including Clint's father. Not only was he combative but also ruthless-he killed his own daughter when she was no longer useful.

"Hirota, you're going too far! Framing others and inciting war between two nations will bring endless suffering. You'll be condemned by history!" Reuben shouted angrily. "I have the edict but haven't announced it to avoid civil war. Yet you plot against our neighbor."

"Prince Reuben, you'll be the first to die tonight," Hirota said sinisterly. "Instead of wasting time here, tell me where the Imperial Seal is, and I'll give you a quick death."

Reuben glared at Clint furiously. "You kidnapped Joyce for no reason, dragging her into this conflict and now framing her."

"Is there any point in saying this now?" Clint had already taken the gun he previously placed on the coffee table but wasn't confident about using it as Hirota was skilled and prepared.

"You must not die," Reuben declared before lunging at Hirota with the gun Clint threw him.

Hirota dodged easily due to his military training.

During this chaos, Clint slipped out through Ropponsho Shrine's back door into the night.

Chapter 2081: From Now On, It’s His World 1

Chapter 2081: From Now On, It’s His World 2


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