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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 58

At this point, Charlotte thought here was her chance to redeem her image.

She can do a little artificial respiration.

So, Charlotte trotted to the man. "I'll do it, I'll give him artificial respiration."

She glanced at the man lying on the ground, slightly fat and ordinary looking. His lips were white because of choking.

Charlotte tried to hide the disgust in her eyes, pinched the man's nose with two fingers, leaned over and began to do artificial respiration.

Repeated chest compressions and artificial respiration, then repeated chest compressions and artificial respiration.

She tried her best to recall the first aid knowledge she had been taught in school and struggled to do it.

After pressing for a while, the man on the ground did not spit out the water in his chest.

Charlotte was sweating profusely.

She glanced at Luther every now and then, being afraid he would see the signs.

It should be correct. This was how to administer help. Why did it not work?

Damn disgusting man. She had made much efforts. ith cursed in her heart, her hands did not dare to stop.

Luther saw Charlotte volunteering to give help and do artificial respiration. Thinking to himself, Charlotte did know first aid. That night she also gave him artificial respiration. Maybe she refused to go into the water for another reason.

Charlotte did this many times over and over. Without seeing the result, she became impatient.

She increased the force and pressed on the man's chest.

Fortunately, Luther walked over to pick up Joyce, or else his eyes kept staring at her. She was really getting nervous.

Finally, there was a "poof" sound.

The man lying on the ground spits out a large mouthful of river water from his chest.

Finally, it worked!

Charlotte fell to the ground at once. Her forehead slicked with sweat, and no one knew whether she was tired or anxious.


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