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You Are The Apple of My Eyes novel Chapter 938

When Sound came back from the break, she saw Sampson. Her gaze turned gloomy. If it weren't for Sampson, she wouldn't have been punished to clean the bathroom.

Not only did Keyla's breakfast disappear, but also Sound didn't taste the rice roll.

Sound had been angry the whole morning. When she fulfilled her promise to teach Reyna and Keyla some self-defense skills at noon, she punched at the air hard, as if she was beating Sampson.

Reyna and Keyla were stunned when they saw it.

Reyna looked at Sound with admiration, while Keyla was dumbfounded by the confidence on her face.

In the process of the practice, Keyla was wrong for several times. On the contrary, Reyna did a good job and got many praises from Sound.

Keyla's eyes dimmed and he found an excuse to leave for a break.

"Sound, I want to go to the bathroom."

"Okay, go ahead."

At that time, Sound was corrected the position of Reyna. After hearing Keyla, Sound turned her head, glanced at her and continued her correcting.

They were now on the rooftop of the teaching building. There would be a toilet two floors down from here. As soon as Keyla walked to the door, she heard the whispers of several girls.

A long haired girl said, "I heard something. I don't know if it's true or not. Last night, someone saw Sampson lend an umbrella to a girl."

"Really? You must be mistaken." The girl with short hair didn't believe it at all.

"I didn't see it. How could I know?"

"I don't believe it."

"That's true! My roommate's friend saw it with her own eyes." The girl with a ponytail dried her hands and said, "My roommate's friend wanted to lend an umbrella to him, but he didn't take it."

"So that's true!" The girl with short hair pouted. "Sampson is a man of justice, but he won't care about others casually."

"Yes, who did he borrow the umbrella for?" The long haired girl asked.

The girl with a ponytail thought for a while and said, "She seems to be Sampson's classmate. Her name is Keyla, and she is also a top student in our grade."

"Sure enough, top students always make friends with top students."

"I just want to ask if that girl is good-looking."

"I don't know. I've never seen her."

"If you want to know, you can go to class nine by yourself."

"No, I won't. If I go, I'm going to see Sampson."

The three girls walked out together and went past Keyla, paying no attention to her at all.

If a girl hadn't turned her body when passing by her, Keyla would doubt that she was transparent.

In fact, she had been nobody in other's eyes. If she hadn't done well on study, nobody would think of her.

Listening to the footsteps of the three girls, Keyla could occasionally hear her name from them, and knew their curiosity and concern about her.

A glimmer of light flashed in Keyla's eyes and was quickly concealed.

They got up early in the morning and had to take a nap at noon no matter what. Otherwise, they wouldn't have the energy to have class in the afternoon. After Keyla went to the rooftop, the three of them discussed to go back to the classroom for lunch break. And they would continue to learn the self-defense skills tomorrow.

It was April and the weather was still a little cold. There were only four or five people taking a nap in the classroom at noon.

Sampson, who went home for a noon break every day, appeared in the classroom, and Onyx, who could go back to the dormitory and lie on the bed, was also there.

Onyx handed a soft blanket to Sound when he saw the three girls enter the classroom.

"What's this?" Sound asked in confusion.

Onyx said, "You caught a cold during the lunch break in the classroom last time. You can't catch a cold again."

After getting along with Onyx for a period of time, Sound found that he was a thoughtful person. He was so considerate that Sound felt she was lucky to have such a desk mate and friend like him.

"Thank you. What about you if I use it?" Sound didn't see another blanket.

Onyx smiled and said, "I'm in good health and won't get sick. Besides, I don't plan to take a nap this noon. I want to do two more exam papers. Take a nap now."

Chapter 938 Sampson, Are You Insane 1

Chapter 938 Sampson, Are You Insane 2


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