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You Belong To Me novel Chapter 238

Jonas's house,

Taiga : Am ready...Just tell me what should I do to get her.

Alex : Slow down Mr.Speedster..Before going into your lessons, I need you to sign this agreement.

Taiga : (Getting a sheet from Alex) Is this what you call an agreement..It's just a f**king A4 sheet..You are a very big model can't you afford a one bond paper..God I can't believe you.

Alex : dear In Law, paper is not important, what written in the paper is what most important.

Taiga : And what the hell is written on it..(Starts reading)

(Alex tone) *Point number 1,You must get me more snacks when visiting, take it as love or fees or bribe.

Point number 2, You should play only by my rules.

And Point number 3, This is very important point than the other two...

Never fail to follow the above points*.

(Taiga crumbles the paper throws away)

Alex : Hey, why did you do that.

Taiga : You know what, is this totally a mistake..I shouldn't had believed you in the first place..Am leaving.

Alex : Okay fine, but without my help, you won't be able to get her.

(Taiga stops)

Taiga : What do you want me to do now.

Alex : Will you follow the rules..(Taiga nods by gritting his teeth)

Taiga : Fine. Go on

Alex : Good, welcome to my Cupid class...Before that...

Taiga : What now,do you need to wash your clothes.

Alex : Do you really love Disha?

Taiga : Why do you think I'm here for?

Alex : How long will you go to get her?

Taiga : I can't answer that cuz I myself don't know.

Alex : (Smiles) You passed. ( Taiga giving a confused love)..In love, there is no specific answer for anything, you can't measure love. It has no end..Thats how love works...It's not systematic..How did you realised your love for her.

Taiga : (Sits on the dinning table) Yesterday, I saw something, I experienced something which I haven't experienced in my life before. She was like a beautiful dream, A never ending dream.

Hey Alex, how can I keep this dream forever.


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