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You Hit My Heart (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 51

Christian got mad because she was too disgraceful.

Always, woman flocked to him, and never a woman who dared to turn him away.

Joyce, a senior student at Cunard University, was currently interning in the automotive project team at R&S headquarters. Today he was passing by and didn't expect to see her walking into the coffee shop, so he followed her in.

"Sir, your coffee is ready." The waitress enthusiastically handed the coffee to Christian with a blushing smile on her face. Such a sultry man, like a poppy flower with fatal attraction.

Christian took the coffee, full of irritation.

Seeing that Joyce was leaving, Christian tried to reach out and tug her.

A young couple came in to buy coffee.

Christian just tugged Joyce's arm with one hand, the other hand holding the coffee. Then he bumped into the couple and the coffee spilled all over them.

"Ah! Oh my God!" The girl screamed for her new white shirt that she had bought today, all ruined by the coffee.

The boy was also shocked and took a step back. However the brand new buckskin shoes were covered with coffee stains.

Joyce turned around at the sound and looked down at Christian who was tugging on his hand, only to feel helpless.

Apprently, he wanted to making troubles for me in the public.

"Don't rush off. I have something to ask you." Christian spoke coolly. He completely ignored the young couple who were splashed with coffee, as if they did not exist.

Joyce handed the girl the napkin and instructed her to wipe it off quickly.

Looking up, she questioned Christian, "You're not apologizing?"

"Huh." Christian laughed. He had never apologized to anyone since he was born, and this woman in front of him wanted him to apologize. It was ridiculous.


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