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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 60

Aderyn Pov

The moon shone brightly and the howl of the wolves echoed my ears, as I looked in front of me sadly witnessing the funeral process of the dead wolves. It turned out, the dagger couldn’t bring the lives of the wolves who passed away early. Only the wolves who died nearly the time when I got the dagger back were saved. I looked at the side to find, Cole and Jenny standing looking sadly at the deceased wolf’s bodies. Blake and Bella were comforting the dead wolf’s mates and the wolf who lost their friends howled showing respect and feeling sorrowful for the loss.

Dylan encircled his arms around my waist and pulled me close. A tear escaped my eyes, as I looked at mates of the deceased wolves crying their eyes out. Some of the packs lost their alphas and it was heartbreaking to see the sadness in the whole pack’s eyes. Somewhere deep down, I felt guilty.

“I can’t help but think that this all happened because of me,” I told Dylan and felt his arms tightening around me.

“No, it’s not like that. It was meant to happen. The only person to be blamed in this is Edna, this all happened because of her. It’s only because today we have lost so many companions. You don’t need to blame yourself for anything,” he said.

I gasped when I saw the body of a familiar person. The beasts attacked the house and the female warriors among with normal wolves had to fight too. Cole despite being wounded fought in his terrible state managed to fight but lots of female warriors and innocent lives were lost in that fight but among those lives, we lost a precious and nearer one. Lily.

We lost her and I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw her body. Her left hand dangled from the stretcher from which her body was being carried. I walked up to her and held her hand and slowly put it up on her other hand. I couldn’t help it any longer because I burst out in tears when I saw her face. Her eyes closed, hair on her side shoulder, her mouth partly apart. Scratches, bruises, and wounds marred her beautiful face. She couldn’t even meet her mate. That made my heartbreak even further because here, two people who were supposed to be destined for each other couldn’t meet.

I felt Dylan pulling me back my waist as we moved back and stood back watching the deceased one being carried away. The witches stood their quietly as they performed some spell over the deceased bodies and chanted some mantras in their mind for their piece. It was not a sight to behold. Even the pups who lost their parents cried and sobbed crestfallen. The burial process was to be held soon and we all closed our eyes and prayed for the deceased one for redemption.

Five months later

“Aderyn?” I heard Dylan calling me through mind link and I walked to him to the kitchen to find him pouring soup in the bowl.

“What happened?” I asked and walked to him and held his arm and leaned against him and watched as he garnished the soup with parsley leaves.

“Eat up,” he said and I hummed in response taking two bowls from him, I walked back towards the drawing hall where I took my seat on the sofa next to pregnant Jenny and handed her one of the bowls.

“Thankyou,” she smiled and I watched Cole leaned down and pecked her cheeks before taking a seat next to the Tv.

Jenny was three months pregnant and Dylan told me that Cole told him, Jenny is expecting twins because she could hear two heartbeats from within her. Everyone was sad after that war. The other packs returned to their respective lands and the packs who lost their Alphas has new alphas, some alphas are young, the son of their deceased father while some are the betas who took their alphas position.

Nobody was happy, nor anybody talked for many days about the war. Everyone was missing Lily. But then, their buried place was filled up with flowers and roses, people didn’t forget to visit their grave letting them know that are live within our hearts. It didn’t matter if they left us but we all can never forget them ever.

Two good things happened in these five months, and that was Blake found his mate. He went to the neighboring pack after three months of the war for inspection, if the new alpha was taking good care of the pack or not and there he found Crystal. An eighteen year old, blonde with brown eyes chubby and kind Crystal Morgan. We all were happy for them because Blake was smiling and laughing again. Finally, the sadness in everyone’s eye dissipated with his good news because he was the kingdom’s beta and people were happy with his happiness.

Another happy news was the kingdom’s warrior and his mate expecting. We found out Jenny was pregnant and that filled our heart with joy. Slowly, slowly the sorrow and pain in everyone’s eye began to dissipate and finally we all here, starting the new phase of our life with happiness.

“My lord!” I gasped when all of a sudden Estelle stood before me out of nowhere catching me off guard and causing the bowl literally fly up in the air but I managed to hold it back before I could spill the hot soup all over the carpet.

“Jeez! Estelle,” I said once I held my breath and looked at her in shock.

“Sorry my Queen,” she bowed in response.

“What is it, Estelle?” Dylan asked as he emerged out of the kitchen room and stood behind me.

“Good news,” she said with a smile.

“And that is?” Cole asked curiously.

“The Elders are coming,” she said and we all stood up from our respective place out of shock.

True to her word, even Dylan got a message in his mind which told him that the Elders are coming. I paced around filling the anxiety growing up from within. I kept on rambling about what should I do? The Elders were like God to them and I was going to meet their God, as much it is a good thing, it filled my heart up with anxiety thinking what if they didn’t like me.

“Finally, they are coming. What took them so long?” Dylan said as I looked at him from the mirror.

“How will I know that?′ I asked and rubbed my forehead in aggravation.

“Hey, What happened to you?” he asked as he walked to me and turned me around to face him.

“I don’t know, how am I going to face them? What should I do? I can’t help but blame myself for the war. It was because of me that we los-”

“Aderyn, we have already talked about this. I told you it’s not your fault. Stop blaming yourself,” he said and I sighed.

We all waited standing in the meadow waiting for the Elders. I looked everywhere around myself. Would they emerge out from the woods? Or would they emerge from that direction? I kept on thinking and even thought why do we need to wait under the open sky? But then all of a sudden we all saw as lightning struck the ground few yards away from where we all standing and the clouds flashed few times. My breath caught in my mouth when I looked up at the sky and towards the clouds where three wolves emerged out. The wolves massive in size, even probably four times bigger than Dylan himself. A Strange blue aura surrounded them and they had this shining red diamond-like stone fixated in their forehead. Three of them looked the same but the left side had a little light red and blue aura around it. The middle one stood in the front while the other two stood just behind the middle one and they all looked down especially at me.

They were as if floating in the sky with the flashing clouds surrounding them and we all stood on the ground looking up at them.

“Bow!” Dylan informed me through the mind link and I bowed down immediately in submissive and salutation.

“The human Queen,” I looked up at the middle wolf when he addressed me. The strong pitch of his voice echoed my ears even after he wasn’t talking.

“We are here for you to address you as the Queen of the Kingdom,” the left side spoke and then only knew it was a female one.

“You passed every exam for being the perfect queen. The war didn’t go unnoticed by our eyes and we are delighted to say that you are the perfect Queen that the kingdom needs. We are aware, of your previous life and your courage, braveness, and kindness has won our respect and hereby, we would like to throne you as the Forever Queen and the first ever human queen to behold the place,” he said and I bowed when a ray of light emerged out of his red stone from his forehead and fell on me. I felt as if I was cocooned by an aura of power and I felt the strength growing in him to the extent where I felt I could literally lift up a heavy person by my only hand.

“Before we go, answer us what would you chose when there comes a situation either you chose your family or your mate?” they asked and I felt Dylan gripping my hand.

“I would choose family, my lord” I answered without even thinking and all of a sudden I felt sadness and feelings of being dejected crawled up my heart and I knew whose emotions that were. Dylan.

“Because?” he the wolf in the right asked.

“Because my mate is one among my family,” as soon as I said that happiness and joy took the place of the previous emotions.

“As we had expected the Queen to be,” the middle spoke and we all bowed when they turned around and ran into the clouds disappearing from our sight.

“I am your family,” Dylan said as he leaned down and pecked my lips.

Chapter 60: Epilogue 1


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