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You More Than Anything In The World novel Chapter 1159

Arissa wanted to know who the man was, so she pretended to have just woken up, only to see that he had concealed his face behind a mask.

Feigning horror, she shrunk away from him and asked in a trembling voice, “Who are you? Why did you kidnap me?”

The man had only hummed in response earlier. That was not enough for Arissa to identify him.

But, if he were to speak, she might just be able to match his voice to a face.

Presently, the man glared at her and made no reply.

A sudden gleam flashed in her eyes. She resorted to provoking him, “There's no point in holding me captive here. It's not as if we're enemies or something.”

What, are you so afraid that I'd recognize you that you won't even show your face?

The man behind the mask let out a harsh bark of laughter. “You don't get to decide if there's a point to all this!”

Arissa froze. The man's voice was familiar, but she could not quite remember who it belonged to.

She continued grimly, “You could at least tell me the reason you've gone to such lengths to kidnap me and bring me here.”

It seemed wrong for her to die without knowing exactly why.

“The only fault you've committed is being married to Benjamin!” the man snarled, his ferocity and hatred for Benjamin clear in his tone.

Hearing this, Arissa bristled and looked at the man in disbelief. She finally figured out who this voice belonged to, but she did not falter as she asked, “Julian?”

The man's eyes widened in surprise. He didn't expect Arissa to recognize him, but now that his cover was blown, he dispensed with the mask and revealed his face.

“You're sharp, Aunt Arissa!” Julian eyed her venomously.

Arissa stared at him evenly and countered, “Aren't you worried that my husband will come after you for revenge?”

Julian blanched at the thought of Benjamin's vicious and vindictive side, but he recovered the next second. “If it weren't for Benjamin, my father would never have been thrown behind bars, and I wouldn't be backed into a corner, either. I'm not doing anything as drastic as Benjamin had done, just collecting my dues. I want him to know what it's like to lose someone or something he cares about.”

Arissa shuddered at the unadulterated hatred Julian had for Benjamin. She clenched her fists as she tried to keep her panic subdued.

“What are you planning to do?” she asked warily, keeping her guard up against Julian and his men.

She would be wise not to provoke them any further if she wanted to make it out of here alive.

“Oh, are you scared, Aunt Arissa?” Julian taunted. His gaze fell on Arissa's delicate face. She was beautiful even when placed under such dire circumstances. It would be a shame if she died.

“Of course I'm scared. I'm just a helpless, ordinary woman. Why did you capture me when you have an ax to grind with Benjamin? You should've gone after him instead!”

Death terrified Arissa. What will the children do without me? Plus, I still have a baby on the way, one who is waiting to see this world.

“Hah! Benjamin would be devastated if he heard what you said. My uncle puts you on a pedestal and loves you beyond all things, that much I know. Yet, here you are, ready to throw him under the bus for your own survival.”

Julian stared at her wickedly as the wheels in his brain began turning. He could use Arissa as leverage against Benjamin. That will crush the man for sure.

“Perhaps you should join me,” Julian suggested, crouching down to pinch Arissa's chin.

Arissa was disgusted but kept a straight face as she retorted, “I wonder if your family knows about your acquired taste in women, Julian.”

Gross. I can't believe he's actually making a pass at me right now.

Julian laughed. “Well, I can't help myself, Aunt Arissa; you're gorgeous. I'm dying to see the look on Uncle Benjamin's face when he sees his woman lying in my arms. It'll be quite the spectacle.”

As he said this, he stroked Arissa's cheek slowly. She imperceptibly dodged his touch. If she weren't in such a tight spot right now, she would never allow Julian to subject her to such humiliation.

Disgusting creep. How dare he touch me!

“Julian, would you mind unbinding my hands? They're swelling up,” she said meekly, flashing Julian a submissive smile.

Julian's eyes glimmered. He had to admit that Benjamin was a lucky man to have married such a beautiful woman.

It was too bad Arissa feared death more than she loved Benjamin. She switches sides in the blink of an eye. Benjamin would be furious if he found out his wife betrayed him!

The thought pleased Julian to no end, and he untied Arissa's hands when he saw that they were indeed swollen from being restrained.

The moment Arissa's hands were freed, she immediately put Julian into a chokehold.


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