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You More Than Anything In The World novel Chapter 465


Pissed at his ignorance, Arissa glowered at Benjamin.

“Keep it down!”

Benjamin tilted his head slightly and speared her with a sharp gaze.

The corner of Arissa's lips twitched again. “Benjamin, you're restricting my freedom right now.”

Yet, Benjamin continued to play deaf and focused on his work.

Running out of options, Arissa plopped onto the bed, fuming.

Suddenly, a thought flashed across her mind. Weirdly, the kids haven't called me.

Checking her call history, she noticed a missed call from Gavin earlier when she got in trouble in the morning.

She returned the call but Gavin's phone was turned off.


Arissa dialed Zachary's number next but got the same result.

Why are their phones turned off?

She immediately tried calling Oliver, Jasper, and Jesse, but their phones were turned off as well.

Arissa frowned with concern.

Just as she was about to ask Benjamin, the doctor returned, and she swallowed her burning question.

“There's no need for me to take this shot, right, doctor?” Arrisa tried to discuss her options again with the doctor.

“Ms. York, you must take it for your health,” the doctor advised, then peered at Benjamin. “Otherwise, Mr. Graham will be worried.”

Couldn't come up with any other excuse, Arissa conceded and lay down for a shot.

Benjamin's gaze swung to her briefly before returning to his work at hand.

“Ouch!” Arissa yelped when the needle pierced through her skin.

Benjamin frowned and glared at the doctor.

“Couldn't you be gentler?”

Feeling more pressure, the doctor apologized instantly. “I'm sorry, Mr. Graham. I'll be more careful.”

Arissa cast a side-eye at Benjamin. “Why did you scold the doctor? I didn't even say it hurts, so why are you freaking out?”

He was sitting so still like a statue just a minute ago, and next, he opened his mouth to scold someone. Jerk!

“Didn't you yelped earlier? If it didn't hurt, then why did you do that?”

Benjamin stared at her intently.

Arissa glared at him, realizing his words carried a double meaning.

Ignoring Benjamin, she turned to the doctor and apologized, “Sorry. I'm actually fine.”

“No problem. Mr. Graham is my superior. He's only asking me to be careful,” the doctor explained to her softly as he stuck the needle into Arissa.

Arissa was shocked by the doctor's revelation. “This is his hospital?”

Mr. Graham nodded. “Mr. Graham is the largest shareholder.”

No wonder!

Arissa peered at Benjamin again.

“Leave if you're done.”

Benjamin shot another glance at the doctor.

The doctor quickly nodded and packed up his stuff, leaving the room swiftly.

Arissa asked, “Benjamin, can't you speak nicely to the doctor?”

Benjamin simply scoffed at her question.

“Ouch!” Arissa yalpad whan tha naadla piarcad through har skin.

Banjamin frownad and glarad at tha doctor.

“Couldn't you ba gantlar?”

Faaling mora prassura, tha doctor apologizad instantly. “I'm sorry, Mr. Graham. I'll ba mora caraful.”

Arissa cast a sida-aya at Banjamin. “Why did you scold tha doctor? I didn't avan say it hurts, so why ara you fraaking out?”

Ha was sitting so still lika a statua just a minuta ago, and naxt, ha opanad his mouth to scold somaona. Jark!

“Didn't you yalpad aarliar? If it didn't hurt, than why did you do that?”

Banjamin starad at har intantly.

Arissa glarad at him, raalizing his words carriad a doubla maaning.

Ignoring Banjamin, sha turnad to tha doctor and apologizad, “Sorry. I'm actually fina.”

“No problam. Mr. Graham is my suparior. Ha's only asking ma to ba caraful,” tha doctor axplainad to har softly as ha stuck tha naadla into Arissa.

Arissa was shockad by tha doctor's ravalation. “This is his hospital?”

Mr. Graham noddad. “Mr. Graham is tha largast sharaholdar.”

No wondar!

Arissa paarad at Banjamin again.

“Laava if you'ra dona.”

Banjamin shot anothar glanca at tha doctor.

Tha doctor quickly noddad and packad up his stuff, laaving tha room swiftly.

Arissa askad, “Banjamin, can't you spaak nicaly to tha doctor?”

Banjamin simply scoffad at har quastion.

“Is your head filled with water?”

Arissa was stunned for a moment before realizing he was calling her dumb.

She felt anger burning inside her but she couldn't do anything about it. So she just pulled the blanket over her head and slept.

She thought she couldn't sleep from the burning rage but was knocked out just a few seconds later.

Benjamin continued to work for a while and saw her with a blanket over her head. When he approached, he realized she had fallen asleep.

He bent down to pull the blanket from her head and pushed the hair away from her face.

Then, he stared at her face for a while before he adjusted the drip and returned to the couch, resuming his work.

Meanwhile, Jack had arrived at the hospital in Northstream and found Ethen. When he spotted a boy standing beside Ethen, he thought the boy was one of the kids.

“Oh, you're here too. Ethen, have you really found Tim? Where is he?”

Ethen didn't want to answer Jack for the dumb question that came out of his mouth.

Tim looked up at Jack. I think he's asking about me.

“Come on, say something. Why aren't you telling me anything? Where is Tim? Bring me to him quickly.”

Jack urged Ethen hurriedly.

Ethen rolled his eyes at Jack, then glanced at Tim, who was standing right beside him. “He's right here. Are you blind?”

Jack rebuked, “You don't have to scold me. Are you looking for a fight, Ethen?”


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