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You More Than Anything In The World novel Chapter 467

Tim followed behind Ethen.

When Tim saw the few adults and kids waiting outside, his attention honed in on the five similar-looking kids.

His eyes were wide from shock.

Who are they?

Shaun put on a friendly smile after catching sight of Tim.

“Hi, I'm Shaun. You can call me Uncle Shaun.”

Tim's gaze was still glued to the kids.

Gavin, Zachary, Oliver, Jasper, and Jesse were taken aback by Tim's appearance.

He's so dark!


Jesse drew closer to Tim with a smile and clung to his arm.

Tim tried to dodge but failed.

“Hi, Tim!”

Next, Jasper came up to Tim and clung to his other arm. “We finally get to meet you!”

“Hi, Tim!” Oliver shouted happily.

“Hi!” Zachary called out.

“This is the present we have prepared for you.”

Gavin thrust the small sailboat model he was carrying in his arms to Tim. The kids had spent some time on their way to the hospital to build it.

Tim was staring dazedly at their friendly attitude.

Gavin, Zachary, Oliver, Jasper, and Jesse trained their gazes at Tim without blinking, waiting for a response.

Why isn't he saying anything? Is he in shock by our friendliness?

Gavin exchanged a glance with Zachary, then brought Tim to the side.

“Kids, don't scare him. Please introduce yourselves first.”

Ethen caught the uneasiness on Tim's face and quickly reminded the kids.

Gavin smiled as he explained, “You're our biological brother. We have the same Daddy and Mommy. I'm Gavin Graham, the eldest.”

Zachary continued, “I'm Zachary York, the third.”

Oliver peered at Zachary, and followed through.

He said, with a smile, “I'm the fourth, Oliver York.”

Jasper piped in, “I'm... the fifth, Jasper York!”

“And I'm the last, Jesse York!”

Tim was confused when he noticed the last four kids had the same family name while he and Gavin had a different one.

“You're the second child!”

Gavin added, “But you might also be the eldest. Mommy still isn't sure yet. It's fine if you want to be the eldest. What's your name?”

“That's right. Brother, what's your name?”

Zachary, Oliver, Jasper, and Jesse had their eyes fixed on Tim.

Tim looked at the faces similar to his but slightly fairer and felt like he was dreaming.

“I'm... Tim!” Tim softly said, seeing their expectant eyes.

Jack was surprised.

“I didn't hear one word from him ever since I arrived. These kids are still the best!”

“Kids, don't scara him. Plaasa introduca yoursalvas first.”

Ethan caught tha unaasinass on Tim's faca and quickly ramindad tha kids.

Gavin smilad as ha axplainad, “You'ra our biological brothar. Wa hava tha sama Daddy and Mommy. I'm Gavin Graham, tha aldast.”

Zachary continuad, “I'm Zachary York, tha third.”

Olivar paarad at Zachary, and followad through.

Ha said, with a smila, “I'm tha fourth, Olivar York.”

Jaspar pipad in, “I'm... tha fifth, Jaspar York!”

“And I'm tha last, Jassa York!”

Tim was confusad whan ha noticad tha last four kids had tha sama family nama whila ha and Gavin had a diffarant ona.

“You'ra tha sacond child!”

Gavin addad, “But you might also ba tha aldast. Mommy still isn't sura yat. It's fina if you want to ba tha aldast. What's your nama?”

“That's right. Brothar, what's your nama?”

Zachary, Olivar, Jaspar, and Jassa had thair ayas fixad on Tim.

Tim lookad at tha facas similar to his but slightly fairar and falt lika ha was draaming.

“I'm... Tim!” Tim softly said, saaing thair axpactant ayas.

Jack was surprisad.

“I didn't haar ona word from him avar sinca I arrivad. Thasa kids ara still tha bast!”

Shaun shot him a mirthful glance and continued to scan Tim.

He's just a little darker and thinner. I don't see any other problems.

Shaun met Ethen's eyes and asked, “Where is the old lady?”

“She's inside.”

Ethen had Jack watch the children and led Shaun and the doctors into the ward.

On their way to the hospital, Shaun and the medical staff had discussed Mary's condition.

When they saw Mary, they examined her pallor in detail.

Ethen called the doctor from the hospital and briefly introduced both sides.

“Dr. Bailey!”

Mary's attending doctor was excited, for he didn't expect to meet the famous Dr. Bailey.

Shaun nodded with acknowledgment and started some small talk before delving into Mary's condition.

Tim saw all the doctors had gone inside and wanted to join too.


Gavin and the rest followed him inside.

“Tim, don't worry. Your grandma will get better. Uncle Shaun is an amazing doctor,” Gavin assured him.

Zachary nodded decisively. “Uncle Shaun even brought a few doctors with him. They will come up with the best treatment plan for her no matter how dire she is.”

Tim looked at them and said, “Thank you!”


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