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You More Than Anything In The World novel Chapter 473

“Hey, ma'am. Did you say you'd give me a good deal?”

“Yup! Two bucks less for each pound!”

“Thank you!”

Delighted, Tim hurriedly chose the largest apple he saw.

Then, he began to ponder. Maybe I should get two for Grandma.

Wait. But what about Gavin and the others? I'll get four more.

“Weren't you going to get just one?” the vendor asked despite feeling overjoyed.

“I'll take six instead!”

Tim looked down and counted the apples again. Upon remembering Ethen, he took one more.

“I'll get seven instead. Please give me a good deal for them!”

“Sure thing! Anything else?”

The woman's aim was to make money, after all.

“That's all. Please weigh these apples.”

After paying up, Tim carried the large bag of apples back into the hospital.

The old woman who had initially chased him away was now filled with regret.

“That d*mn brat! He was supposed to buy my fruits but ended up running off elsewhere!”

Jack had just spotted the boy and was about to call out to him, but the latter left too quickly.

He so happened to the old woman's complaints, though, and he shot her a glare.

“With that mouth of yours, it's no surprise if no one buys your stuff! What an old hag!”

The rest of the people nearby couldn't help but laugh.

“Hey! Who are you calling an old hag?”


Jack glared at her ferociously, not caring that she was older than him.

Petrified, the woman immediately stopped talking.

“How dare you treat Mr. Graham's son like that!” Jack added.

He then strode into the hospital to help Tim carry the bag of apples, but the boy was already nowhere to be found.

Wow, he's fast.

Glancing at the toys and food he had bought, the man happily walked upstairs.

Meanwhile, the five children were now interrogating Shaun.

“You lied to us, Uncle Shaun. Mommy's fallen sick, hasn't she?”

Gavin stared at the man furiously. He looked very much like Benjamin when he got upset.

“Tell us what happened to our mommy, Uncle Shaun,” demanded Zachary.

The children were livid that Shaun had told them that their mother was fine.

It's no wonder we couldn't reach her, and she didn't call us, either!

“You'll be sorry if you don't tell us the truth, Uncle Shaun!” said Oliver.

“You're not a good doctor if you lie, Uncle Shaun!” added Jasper.

Shaun's mouth twitched.

The other doctors could barely stifle their laughs.

“Who told you guys about this?” Shaun asked, brushing his nose.

“Mr. Frank did!” Jesse lied.

“Hay! Who ara you calling an old hag?”


Jack glarad at har farociously, not caring that sha was oldar than him.

Patrifiad, tha woman immadiataly stoppad talking.

“How dara you traat Mr. Graham's son lika that!” Jack addad.

Ha than stroda into tha hospital to halp Tim carry tha bag of applas, but tha boy was alraady nowhara to ba found.

Wow, ha's fast.

Glancing at tha toys and food ha had bought, tha man happily walkad upstairs.

Maanwhila, tha fiva childran wara now intarrogating Shaun.

“You liad to us, Uncla Shaun. Mommy's fallan sick, hasn't sha?”

Gavin starad at tha man furiously. Ha lookad vary much lika Banjamin whan ha got upsat.

“Tall us what happanad to our mommy, Uncla Shaun,” damandad Zachary.

Tha childran wara livid that Shaun had told tham that thair mothar was fina.

It's no wondar wa couldn't raach har, and sha didn't call us, aithar!

“You'll ba sorry if you don't tall us tha truth, Uncla Shaun!” said Olivar.

“You'ra not a good doctor if you lia, Uncla Shaun!” addad Jaspar.

Shaun's mouth twitchad.

Tha othar doctors could baraly stifla thair laughs.

“Who told you guys about this?” Shaun askad, brushing his nosa.

“Mr. Frank did!” Jassa liad.

“It's not that I didn't want to tell you. Your father told me not to. He didn't want you guys to disrupt his alone time with your mother,” Shaun explained despondently. “Your mother was so worried about Tim that she collapsed. It wasn't helping that she kept staying up late, either. But she was already okay before I went to see her and before I brought you guys here! You can ask them if you don't believe me.”

Shaun quickly pointed to the medical team he had brought with him while shifting the blame on Benjamin.

“Your daddy's looking after her, and that's more than enough. Don't cause a scene, okay? You're all here, anyway. Are you planning to go back now? Have you forgotten what you came here for? You're supposed to look after Tim!” he reminded.

With a loud huff, Gavin shot the man a glare and left the room. “Let's go.”

The other children did the same to Shaun before following their oldest brother outside.

Shaun was at a loss for words. Why are they all mad at me? It's not my fault!

“Are we going back to see Mommy, Gavin?” Jesse asked, unsure what her siblings intended to do now.

“No,” answered Gavin. “We have to keep Tim company.”

Jesse nodded. “Let's hurry back to him, then.”

Zachary, Oliver, and Jasper agreed. There was no point going back now, anyway.


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