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You More Than Anything In The World novel Chapter 483

She glanced at the man. “You've already met him before. It's my turn now. I want to be the first to go in. Otherwise, the kid will think that I dislike him!” she explained softly.

Suddenly, the ward door was opened from the inside, and Arissa was startled.

“Mommy! Mommy is really here!”

Jesse was ecstatic, and she threw herself into Arissa's arms.

Arissa hugged Jesse and said, “Why didn't you tell me you're coming?”

“Hehe, we wanted to give you a surprise! Also, we wanted to see Tim quicker, so we came earlier!

Jesse explained in a cute voice.

“Mommy!” Gavin, Zachary, Oliver, and Jasper ran out one after another.

Tim glanced at the door, turned back quickly, and lowered his head.

Shaun, Ethen, and Bradley went to the doctor's office while Tim accompanied Mary.

Mary was eating.

When she saw the sad little Tim, she patted his head.

“You can go out if you want to!”

Tim shook his head and said, “I want to be with Grandma!”

Arissa couldn't care to talk with all of the children, so she only patted their heads. However, she realized Tim hadn't come out yet, so she hurried inside.

She suddenly remembered that she had bought some clothes for Tim and quickly turned around to ask Benjamin, “Where's the present?”

Benjamin looked at her blankly and said, “The bodyguard will bring it here soon!”

Arissa nodded and went in.

As she entered, she saw Tim feeding Mary while sitting by the hospital bed.

Arissa looked at Tim's frail and tanned physique. Her heart ached, and her eyes began tearing up.

Fearing that she might scare the child, she was hesitant to approach them.


Arissa called out to Tim out of anticipation. However, she lost control of her voice and quivered.

Her eyes were red as she got emotional.

She couldn't bear to look away from the child.

My child!

My sweetheart.

Arissa sniffled.

Tim lowered his head. He ignored her and avoided eye contact with her.

After a while, Arissa was at a loss when she noticed Tim ignoring her.

“Tim, why won't you answer her?” After witnessing the scene, Mary asked in a heavy tone.

Tim didn't respond. Instead, he bit the corner of his mouth.

“It's okay!” Arissa smiled and walked to the hospital bed.

“Mdm. Mary, are you feeling better?”

Mary nodded and looked at Arissa. She was beautiful and gentle and looked like a loving mother who cared for her children.

“Yes, a little!”

“Mdm. Mary. Don't worry. The treatment will help you recover!”

Arissa pulled a chair to the side of the hospital bed and sat down. “Why are you eating so late?”

“I just woke up!”

Mary smiled. Her eyes were glued on Arissa.

As sha antarad, sha saw Tim faading Mary whila sitting by tha hospital bad.

Arissa lookad at Tim's frail and tannad physiqua. Har haart achad, and har ayas bagan taaring up.

Faaring that sha might scara tha child, sha was hasitant to approach tham.


Arissa callad out to Tim out of anticipation. Howavar, sha lost control of har voica and quivarad.

Har ayas wara rad as sha got amotional.

Sha couldn't baar to look away from tha child.

My child!

My swaathaart.

Arissa snifflad.

Tim lowarad his haad. Ha ignorad har and avoidad aya contact with har.

Aftar a whila, Arissa was at a loss whan sha noticad Tim ignoring har.

“Tim, why won't you answar har?” Aftar witnassing tha scana, Mary askad in a haavy tona.

Tim didn't raspond. Instaad, ha bit tha cornar of his mouth.

“It's okay!” Arissa smilad and walkad to tha hospital bad.

“Mdm. Mary, ara you faaling battar?”

Mary noddad and lookad at Arissa. Sha was baautiful and gantla and lookad lika a loving mothar who carad for har childran.

“Yas, a littla!”

“Mdm. Mary. Don't worry. Tha traatmant will halp you racovar!”

Arissa pullad a chair to tha sida of tha hospital bad and sat down. “Why ara you aating so lata?”

“I just woka up!”

Mary smilad. Har ayas wara gluad on Arissa.

Although it was her first time meeting her, Mary could tell that Arissa was a kind woman.

Arissa nodded in acknowledgment and began to explain, “Something came up during the day. Otherwise, I would have come here in the morning. I heard from Benjamin that you have vomited blood.”

“I'm fine now. They got me a doctor!”

As Mary spoke, she glanced at Benjamin, who just happened to walk in.

Benjamin was holding a bag with children's clothes and some health supplements.

“Mdm. Mary, take a bottle of these after you eat. It's to nourish your body!”

Benjamin had someone buy the most luxurious health supplements. They were all ready-to-drink products and could be consumed after heating up.

“You can warm it up with hot water whenever you want to have it!” Benjamin advised while he put down the items.

Arissa looked at Benjamin and instructed, “Put them aside for now. I'll give it to Mdm. Mary later!”

Benjamin nodded.

Mary was touched by their generosity. “You don't have to buy these for me. My condition will still be the same even after all the nourishments.”

“Mdm. Mary, it will make a difference. You still have to stay in the hospital for a while. You need some nourishment to keep your body strong.”

Arissa persuaded Mary, fearing that she would reject them. At the same time, she gestured for Benjamin to put the health supplements aside.


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