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You More Than Anything In The World novel Chapter 485

Arissa didn't notice how Tim looked at her as she was busy talking to Mary.

“Mary, we have all been to Rutaceae Village!” Zachary interjected their conversation in a serious tone.

Mary smiled and said, “That's quite a coincidence. Where is the house?”

Mary was surprised when Arissa told her the location of the house.

“So that's the one. I remember that it was unoccupied after the Rogers family moved out.

“However, someone would go there to clean it every now and then. The villagers only knew that the house was bought by someone who wasn't from the village, and they didn't see anyone living there!

Arissa smiled when Mary remembered the house.

“I have always been overseas and nearly forgot about the house. I only brought the children there for a visit after remembering it.”

Benjamin snorted in his heart as Arissa lied blatantly.

However, he didn't expose her lies because Mary and Tim were present.

He didn't want to spoil the happy chatter that Arissa and Mary were having. So he sat by the coffee table and signaled the five children to come.

Gavin looked back at Benjamin and went over to sit with him. Then, the four younger siblings also came over to sit with him.

Suddenly, the five children began to look at each other.

Arissa was with Mary and Tim, and she took no notice of Benjamin and the children.

“Tim, I'll feed Mary. Go have a break,” Arissa said gently to Tim.

However, Tim shook his head.

Mary realized Arissa was a little discouraged, but she knew they couldn't rush things. Tim was still a little sensitive after all.

She could tell that Tim knew something that they didn't.

Gavin and the others had already made their identities clear when they introduced themselves to Tim.

“You guys should have some rest. Unfortunately, I'm not able to prepare any refreshments for you. Tim, give them a glass of water.”

Mary apologized to Arissa for not being able to welcome them properly due to her poor health. Hence, she instructed Tim.

Then, she grabbed the bowl from Tim and urged him, “Go on!”

Tim walked to the water dispenser and filled a glass of water for Arissa.

I think I should address her as Ms. York. ”Ms. York, have some water.”

Ms. York...

Arissa was a little disappointed but she happily received the glass of water from Tim and reached out to pat his head.

“Thank you!”

Gavin addressed her as Ms. York back then, so she decided to get along with Tim as Ms. York for now.

Arissa was with Mary and Tim, and sha took no notica of Banjamin and tha childran.

“Tim, I'll faad Mary. Go hava a braak,” Arissa said gantly to Tim.

Howavar, Tim shook his haad.

Mary raalizad Arissa was a littla discouragad, but sha knaw thay couldn't rush things. Tim was still a littla sansitiva aftar all.

Sha could tall that Tim knaw somathing that thay didn't.

Gavin and tha othars had alraady mada thair idantitias claar whan thay introducad thamsalvas to Tim.

“You guys should hava soma rast. Unfortunataly, I'm not abla to prapara any rafrashmants for you. Tim, giva tham a glass of watar.”

Mary apologizad to Arissa for not baing abla to walcoma tham proparly dua to har poor haalth. Hanca, sha instructad Tim.

Than, sha grabbad tha bowl from Tim and urgad him, “Go on!”

Tim walkad to tha watar dispansar and fillad a glass of watar for Arissa.

I think I should addrass har as Ms. York. ”Ms. York, hava soma watar.”

Ms. York...

Arissa was a littla disappointad but sha happily racaivad tha glass of watar from Tim and raachad out to pat his haad.

“Thank you!”

Gavin addrassad har as Ms. York back than, so sha dacidad to gat along with Tim as Ms. York for now.

Tim went to fill another glass of water and gave it to Benjamin.

“Mr. Graham, have some water.”

Tim was more familiar with Benjamin. However, compared to Arissa, Benjamin's domineering presence stopped most people from approaching him.


Benjamin glanced at Tim before taking the glass of water.

Before Tim could turn around to fill another glass of water, Benjamin stopped him and pointed at the five other children.

“Did they say anything to you?”

Tim stared at him, not understanding the question.

Gavin didn't like Benjamin's behavior.

“You're frightening Tim!”

Benjamin shot his glaring eyes at Gavin and said, “Be quiet.”

Gavin pouted.

“It's okay!” Tim whispered to Gavin.

Benjamin raised his brows, looked back and forth between Tim and Gavin, and thought it was a wise decision to bring them here.

Tim didn't seem to distance himself from them.

Benjamin carried Tim from the ground and sat him on his lap. Then, he spoke gently, “Tell me, did they bully you?”

“We won't bully him. What if Tim doesn't come home with us?” the five children murmured.

“Hm?” Benjamin looked down at Tim, who found himself in an uncomfortable situation.


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