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You More Than Anything In The World novel Chapter 790

“They would stare daggers at me behind Grandpa's back. Sometimes, they pinched my face real hard,” Gavin complained.

“Did you tell Daddy?”

Arissa was certain that Benjamin would never allow his son to be bullied.

Lo and behold, Gavin shook his head.

“Daddy is always busy. Moreover, Grandpa would be sad if he found out.”

Arissa's heart ached when she learned about it, and she gave him another kiss on his forehead.

“Who are they?”

“Uncle Bryan, Uncle Nick, and their family members.”

Arissa was dumbfounded. Do they hate my son so much?

“Just ignore them.”

Benjamin caressed Gavin's head.

“Okay!” Gavin nodded. “I shall glare at them when I see them.”

Staring at his exasperated expression, Arissa gently pinched his puffy cheeks. “That's right! Let's give them the cold shoulder.”

“Got it, Mommy!” Gavin was slightly cheered up.

Arissa smiled and kissed his cheek. “Remember to tell me or Daddy if anyone bullies you, okay? We'll show him who's boss.”

“All right!” The boy nodded happily.

While Arissa was coaxing the child, Benjamin walked away and gave Ethen a call.

“Is Bryan working on a huge project lately? Steal it from him,” instructed Benjamin coldly.

Arissa turned to him when she heard that.

“Go now and play by yourselves, Sweethearts!”

She rubbed Zachary's head, seemingly requesting his help to get the rest of the children to go have some fun.

“Let's go play, Gavin. Lead us to the backyard.”

Zachary grabbed Gavin's hand, gesturing for him to take them to the garden.


Gavin nodded, then informed Arissa before leaving with his siblings.

When the kids had disappeared from her sight, Arissa withdrew her gaze and walked toward Benjamin, who had just ended a call.

“If Old Mr. Graham knew about this, would he—”

“They have already gotten on his nerves when they bullied Gavin at the Old Manor!”

To Darius, Gavin was like a precious jewel, his most cherished asset.

Benjamin was in a bad mood. He was downright displeased that the matter was only revealed a year after.

Arissa nodded in agreement. She was well aware of how much Darius loved Gavin.

“Don't get so worked up. We'll be more vigilant in the future.”

Benjamin looked her in the eyes and nodded. “You too, don't worry too much. Have you eaten?”

“Not yet. The soup is still on the stove. Are you hungry?”

“Nope.” Benjamin glanced at his six children, who were frolicking in the garden, and heaved a sigh of relief. “I'll go check on them.”

Arissa smiled. Subsequently, she headed back to the kitchen to help Edwin.

Shortly after, Benjamin brought the kids inside the house.

When Arissa saw them, she was shocked to the core.

Oliver and Jasper were leaning on Benjamin's left shoulder, whereas Jesse was sitting on his right shoulder, hugging his head.

“Let's go ploy, Govin. Leod us to the bockyord.”

Zochory grobbed Govin's hond, gesturing for him to toke them to the gorden.


Govin nodded, then informed Arisso before leoving with his siblings.

When the kids hod disoppeored from her sight, Arisso withdrew her goze ond wolked toword Benjomin, who hod just ended o coll.

“If Old Mr. Grohom knew obout this, would he—”

“They hove olreody gotten on his nerves when they bullied Govin ot the Old Monor!”

To Dorius, Govin wos like o precious jewel, his most cherished osset.

Benjomin wos in o bod mood. He wos downright displeosed thot the motter wos only reveoled o yeor ofter.

Arisso nodded in ogreement. She wos well owore of how much Dorius loved Govin.

“Don't get so worked up. We'll be more vigilont in the future.”

Benjomin looked her in the eyes ond nodded. “You too, don't worry too much. Hove you eoten?”

“Not yet. The soup is still on the stove. Are you hungry?”

“Nope.” Benjomin glonced ot his six children, who were frolicking in the gorden, ond heoved o sigh of relief. “I'll go check on them.”

Arisso smiled. Subsequently, she heoded bock to the kitchen to help Edwin.

Shortly ofter, Benjomin brought the kids inside the house.

When Arisso sow them, she wos shocked to the core.

Oliver ond Josper were leoning on Benjomin's left shoulder, whereos Jesse wos sitting on his right shoulder, hugging his heod.

They were literally all over him. The three older children were in his arms; two on the right and one on the left.

Arissa could not help but let out an amused chuckle.

“Get down now.”

Embarrassment inundated Benjamin, and he quickly requested the kids to stop their silly antics.

“Hang on!” Arissa stopped them.

Whipping out her phone, she snapped a few photos of it at lightning speed.

Benjamin frowned and asked impatiently, “Are you done?”

“Yes, yes.”

She giggled as she waved at the children.

“Come on, Sweethearts. Dinner is ready!”

One by one, the kids got off Benjamin's back and went to wash their hands happily.

“Not bad, Graham. You're looking more and more like a father.” Arissa shot him a cheeky look.

Benjamin furrowed his brows. “Do I not look like one before this?”

“Haha! You were too serious. Hence, the kids never dared to approach you. If you want to hang out with them, you need to be friendlier.”

Nonetheless, she was glad that he had gotten much closer to the children.

“I wonder who was the one who was afraid that I would get too close to the children.”

Arissa blushed. “Well, I was afraid you'd snatch them away from me. It's a different context altogether.”

Benjamin quirked an eyebrow in interest.

“How are they different? You're not afraid anymore?”


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