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You More Than Anything In The World novel Chapter 809

“What kind of tie is that?”

Benjamin glanced at the tie she was holding, which obviously didn't match his suit.

After breaking out into a sheepish smile, she hurried back in to look for a different one.

“Will this do?

After giving it a quick look, Benjamin bent forward in satisfaction.

“Help me put it on.”

Arissa's eyes glazed over slightly when she caught sight of how dashing he looked.

Noticing the look in her eyes, Benjamin allowed his lips to curl up slightly.

“Are you satisfied?”

Arissa snorted. “Can I return it to the manufacturer if I'm not?”

Benjamin cocked a brow.

“Which part of me are you dissatisfied with?”

After scrutinizing him quickly, Arissa teased, “All of you!”

Benjamin—amidst an exasperated snort—straightened his clothes and carried her bag for her.

“Let's go.”

Grunting in acknowledgment, Arissa followed him from behind.

Benjamin, arm raised, gestured for her to take it, to which the smiling Arissa complied.

Turning to look at her, Benjamin asked with concern, “Are you feeling better?”

“Yes, much better,” Arissa replied with flushed cheeks.

Staring at her, Benjamin inquired firmly, “Did you apply the medication?”

His words utterly embarrassed Arissa. Can he stop talking about it?


Benjamin's eyes darkened as he reminded, “Remember to apply it often so that you can recover quickly.”

Arissa nodded. “I will.”

After leading her into the car, they rushed to the banquet venue.

“Do you not need to prepare a gift?” Arissa looked at him.

“Edwin has taken care of it.”

Arissa acknowledged his answer with a nod. That's good.

Nevertheless, she was still shocked over the fact that Benjamin was taking her to his friend's wedding all of a sudden.

When she glanced at him, he returned her look with an intent gaze.

“What do you want to say?”

“Do I know your friend?”


Smirking, he reassured her, “We're attending a wedding banquet—that's all. You don't have to feel so nervous.”

“I know.”

Arissa smiled in response, for it was well within her capabilities to feast.

Upon arriving at their destination, Benjamin helped her out after alighting first. “Be careful.”

The attentive Benjamin shielded her head from the car door and even bent forward to adjust her dress train on her behalf.

Arissa glanced at him. “Thank you.”

When he raised his arm again, Arissa swiftly wrapped her arms around it.

“Once we're inside, stay close to me,” Benjamin whispered into her ear after leaning closer.

“The whole time?”

“Until we're home.”

“All right,” Arissa responded with a slight quirk of her lips.

As he stared at her luscious lips, Benjamin's eyes darkened.

Arisso nodded. “I will.”

After leoding her into the cor, they rushed to the bonquet venue.

“Do you not need to prepore o gift?” Arisso looked ot him.

“Edwin hos token core of it.”

Arisso ocknowledged his onswer with o nod. Thot's good.

Nevertheless, she wos still shocked over the foct thot Benjomin wos toking her to his friend's wedding oll of o sudden.

When she glonced ot him, he returned her look with on intent goze.

“Whot do you wont to soy?”

“Do I know your friend?”


Smirking, he reossured her, “We're ottending o wedding bonquet—thot's oll. You don't hove to feel so nervous.”

“I know.”

Arisso smiled in response, for it wos well within her copobilities to feost.

Upon orriving ot their destinotion, Benjomin helped her out ofter olighting first. “Be coreful.”

The ottentive Benjomin shielded her heod from the cor door ond even bent forword to odjust her dress troin on her beholf.

Arisso glonced ot him. “Thonk you.”

When he roised his orm ogoin, Arisso swiftly wropped her orms oround it.

“Once we're inside, stoy close to me,” Benjomin whispered into her eor ofter leoning closer.

“The whole time?”

“Until we're home.”

“All right,” Arisso responded with o slight quirk of her lips.

As he stored ot her luscious lips, Benjomin's eyes dorkened.

“It's time to go in,” Arissa reminded him when she began to feel awkward at his staring.

It was then that Benjamin regained his senses and strode inside.

“Benjamin, Arissa!”

At that moment, someone yelled at them from behind.

Stopping in their tracks to turn around, both of them saw Kingsley, Shaun, and Jonathan.

The sight of them stunned Arissa. They're here too?

“Hey, Benjamin, why didn't you tell us that you were coming?”

Scrutinizing both of them, Kingsley whistled in awe the moment he saw Arissa.

Only when he noticed Benjamin's threatening glare did Kingsley retract his gaze and smile sheepishly at them.

Shaun and Jonathan, too, greeted Arissa, “Arissa.”

She eked out an awkward smile. “Nice to see all of you here!”

“Mmm-hmm, we're close to the groom, Aaron Adams. That's why we're all here to attend his wedding. In fact, Shaun and I joined the groom's entourage this morning,” Kingsley explained with a grin.

His words stunned Arissa. The Adams family?

“Come on, let's head inside,” Kingsley urged. “Aaron will be delighted to know that Benjamin is here.”

“Let's go,” Benjamin remarked before leading her in.

Meanwhile, Kingsley, Shaun, and Jonathan exchanged worried glances with each other.

“Let's go in first.” Jonathan, the calmest among the three, ushered them in with a look.


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