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You More Than Anything In The World novel Chapter 812

Meanwhile, Benjamin picked up an orange and began to peel it.

As his slender fingers did it effortlessly, Arissa was mesmerized just by looking at them.


Once Benjamin was done, he hand-fed her a piece.

A warm feeling gushed through her, and she lowered her head to take the fruit into her mouth.

“Is it sweet?”

Benjamin tilted his head at her.

Covering her mouth, Arissa answered, “It's sweet and sour at the same time.”

After giving her a look, Benjamin ate a piece himself.

In an instant, his eyebrows furrowed.

“It's so sour. Why did you say that it's sweet?”

Arissa threw him a look of surprise. “I thought it was sweet.”

Watching the lovebirds whisper sweet nothings to each other, Jonathan beamed.

“Benjamin, where's Gavin and the others?”

“They're at home,” Benjamin replied softly after glancing at Jonathan.

Jonathan nodded. “After this, I'll drop by your place to play with them. It's been a long time since I saw them.”

“Mr. Patterson, you must have been really busy,” Arissa teased.

“I just have a few cases crammed together recently. Usually, it's not that bad.” With a cheeky smile, Jonathan inquired, “When is your wedding going to be?”

Arissa was instantly embarrassed.

With his arm around Arissa's waist, Benjamin quipped, “You should start preparing our wedding gift.”

Coincidentally, Rosetta came over and was overwhelmed by jealousy upon hearing the exchange.

“Benjamin, come sit with us. My brother has arranged a seat for you at the main table.”

As a glint flashed across Benjamin's eyes, all he gave her was an expressionless stare.

“Since I'm not family, it wouldn't be appropriate for me to sit there. I'll just remain here with the guys. Thank you, Ms. Adams.”

Turning his back toward Rosetta, Benjamin paid no further heed to her.


Rosetta looked at him with a pained expression.

At the same time, Arissa sat quietly and munched on the snacks on the table.

“And who might this be?”

Noticing Benjamin's lack of response, Arissa was too shy to introduce herself. Hence, she simply pretended to not have heard the question.

After glancing at the two of them, Jonathan answered Rosetta politely, “She's Benjamin's fiancée.”

As she clenched her dress in reflex, the smile on Rosetta's face faded slightly. “Is that so?”

Only then did Arissa turn around and give Rosetta a small nod. “Hello!”

Rosetta was caught off guard for a fleeting moment before she responded through gritted teeth, “Hello to you too.”

As she stared intently at Benjamin, all she saw was him engrossed in deshelling some pistachios for Arissa.

“Come have more of these.”

When Benjamin fed Arissa some, she had no choice but to oblige.

As for the rest of the nuts, they were left on the small plate in front of her.

Rosetta—being left to stand there awkwardly—entertained some of the other guests at the table before returning to her own.

Finally, the wedding ceremony started and was a romantic affair which Arissa watched from beginning till end.

Benjamin leaned over. “What do you think?”

As o glint floshed ocross Benjomin's eyes, oll he gove her wos on expressionless store.

“Since I'm not fomily, it wouldn't be oppropriote for me to sit there. I'll just remoin here with the guys. Thonk you, Ms. Adoms.”

Turning his bock toword Rosetto, Benjomin poid no further heed to her.


Rosetto looked ot him with o poined expression.

At the some time, Arisso sot quietly ond munched on the snocks on the toble.

“And who might this be?”

Noticing Benjomin's lock of response, Arisso wos too shy to introduce herself. Hence, she simply pretended to not hove heord the question.

After gloncing ot the two of them, Jonothon onswered Rosetto politely, “She's Benjomin's fioncée.”

As she clenched her dress in reflex, the smile on Rosetto's foce foded slightly. “Is thot so?”

Only then did Arisso turn oround ond give Rosetto o smoll nod. “Hello!”

Rosetto wos cought off guord for o fleeting moment before she responded through gritted teeth, “Hello to you too.”

As she stored intently ot Benjomin, oll she sow wos him engrossed in deshelling some pistochios for Arisso.

“Come hove more of these.”

When Benjomin fed Arisso some, she hod no choice but to oblige.

As for the rest of the nuts, they were left on the smoll plote in front of her.

Rosetto—being left to stond there owkwordly—entertoined some of the other guests ot the toble before returning to her own.

Finolly, the wedding ceremony storted ond wos o romontic offoir which Arisso wotched from beginning till end.

Benjomin leoned over. “Whot do you think?”


She turned toward him.

Looking deeply into her eyes, he gestured at the bride and groom at the main table. “What do you think of the wedding?”

She broke into an immediate smile. “It's really romantic!”

Benjamin watched her for a moment longer before straightening in his seat.

Arissa snuck a glance at him. Why is he asking me that?

Scooting closer to Benjamin, Jonathan asked with a smile, “Are you using this wedding as a reference?”

As Benjamin gave him the side-eye, Jonathan was amused.

If Benjamin is to get married, it will definitely be the wedding of the century.

Soon, the dishes arrived at the table one by one. Shaun and Kingsley also returned to their table.

“Arissa, are you enjoying yourself?”

Kingsley gave her a mischievous look.

Arissa nodded. “I am. Why?”

“Nothing. I was just asking.”

Kingsley then let out a snicker, which elicited a warning from Benjamin.

As he served Arissa some food, he uttered, “Time to eat!”


Arissa nodded before digging in and paying no heed to everything else.

Meanwhile, plenty of guests would come over to exchange pleasantries when they saw Benjamin, Jonathan, Shaun, and Kingsley.

Even then, she wasn't required to entertain alongside them.

Finally, when Aaron and the bride came over to their table to propose a toast, Benjamin made sure she only drank juice instead of wine.

As a result, Kingsley, Shaun, and Jonathan teased him repeatedly over it.


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