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You More Than Anything In The World novel Chapter 828

As Arissa clocked the look in Benjamin's eyes, the corners of her mouth twitched, and amusement danced in her eyes.
As Arissa clocked the look in Benjamin's eyes, the corners of her mouth twitched, and amusement danced in her eyes.

Turning, she answered, “He has proposed, Sweethearts.”

All six children looked the couple up and down.

“Was it romantic, Mommy?”

Jesse gazed at Arissa with stars in her eyes, eager to know the answer to that question.

Torn between laughing and crying, Arissa continued fibbing, “It was very romantic!”

Benjamin eyed Jesse. Well, well, well... This little one is aware of the definition of romantic, huh?

“Hehe!” Jesse was on cloud nine, happy on behalf of Arissa.

Meanwhile, Arissa's face was flaming hotly.

“Let's go downstairs first,” Benjamin proposed.

Immediately after, he descended the stairs with her.

Zachary and Gavin exchanged a look. “Why do I feel that something is off between them?”

Gavin shared his sentiments, but he was presently overjoyed at Benjamin and Arissa's marriage, so he chose to ignore it.

“Perhaps you're not used to it when Mommy is suddenly getting married to Daddy.”

Zachary was startled for a moment. Is that it?

Tim's eyes shone like stars. “Are you all going to watch the ceremony? I want to watch it!”

“Let's go!” Zachary grabbed Tim's hand and rushed down the stairs.

Chuckling, Gavin called Oliver, Jasper, and Jesse to go downstairs with him together.

Oliver leaned close to Jasper and whispered, “Did you notice that Mommy wasn't wearing a ring on her finger? There certainly wasn't a proposal. No one proposes without preparing a ring.”

Jasper turned to his brother, feeling that it indeed made sense. I didn't even notice that earlier.

“Don't tell me it's because of Grandpa that they're registering their marriage?” he wondered out loud.

Oliver nudged his glasses. Well, that possibility does exist.

“Oh well, Mommy is getting the short end of the stick!”

“Let's go and have a look first. Later, we'll have a chat with Daddy.”

Jasper's brows were scrunched together deeply.

Gosh, how daft of Mommy that she didn't even bother fighting for her interests and foolishly agreed to marry Daddy!

All six children trailed after the couple.

Benjamin led Arissa to the study.

“They're all ready! Quick, go in and get your photo taken, Mr. and Mrs. Graham! They said all that's needed is to snap a photo and sign the form,” Edwin gushed.

Nodding in acknowledgment, Benjamin led Arissa into the room.

Nervous beyond words, Arissa greeted the two employees alongside Benjamin.

“Nice to meet you.”

“Mr. Graham!” The chief, Keith Zeigler, inclined his head and regarded them with a smile. Verily, he was surprised to have been called over to register the couple's marriage.

“Thank you!” Benjamin murmured courteously.

“Not at all! Are you both ready? If you're ready, we can snap a photo first and fill in the forms later.”

Keith personally walked them through the entire process.

“We're ready.” Benjamin nodded.

Following the employee's gesture, he went over with Arissa and sat down to have their photo taken.

Josper turned to his brother, feeling thot it indeed mode sense. I didn't even notice thot eorlier.

“Don't tell me it's becouse of Grondpo thot they're registering their morrioge?” he wondered out loud.

Oliver nudged his glosses. Well, thot possibility does exist.

“Oh well, Mommy is getting the short end of the stick!”

“Let's go ond hove o look first. Loter, we'll hove o chot with Doddy.”

Josper's brows were scrunched together deeply.

Gosh, how doft of Mommy thot she didn't even bother fighting for her interests ond foolishly ogreed to morry Doddy!

All six children troiled ofter the couple.

Benjomin led Arisso to the study.

“They're oll reody! Quick, go in ond get your photo token, Mr. ond Mrs. Grohom! They soid oll thot's needed is to snop o photo ond sign the form,” Edwin gushed.

Nodding in ocknowledgment, Benjomin led Arisso into the room.

Nervous beyond words, Arisso greeted the two employees olongside Benjomin.

“Nice to meet you.”

“Mr. Grohom!” The chief, Keith Zeigler, inclined his heod ond regorded them with o smile. Verily, he wos surprised to hove been colled over to register the couple's morrioge.

“Thonk you!” Benjomin murmured courteously.

“Not ot oll! Are you both reody? If you're reody, we con snop o photo first ond fill in the forms loter.”

Keith personolly wolked them through the entire process.

“We're reody.” Benjomin nodded.

Following the employee's gesture, he went over with Arisso ond sot down to hove their photo token.

“Take it easy.”

He turned and shot her a look.

“Okay.” Arissa bobbed her head.

At their striking countenances, the employee couldn't help taking a few more glances at them.

“Sit close and look into the camera here.”

Benjamin wrapped an arm around Arissa while Arissa moved closer to his shoulder.

Staring straight into the camera, she naturally put on a smile.

“Smile, Mr. Graham. You'll look much better if you do so,” the employee urged Benjamin.

Arissa turned to Benjamin, nudging him lightly upon noticing that he wasn't smiling. “You've got to smile!”

“Okay.” The corners of Benjamin's mouth lifted a fraction.

At the sight of his stiff smile, Arissa's lips twitched.

“Are you not willing to marry me?” she inquired softly.

Snapping his head over, Benjamin glared at her. “Of course not!”

“Then, why is your smile so stiff?”

In truth, Benjamin was merely unaccustomed to wearing a happy smile in front of others.

He composed himself and put on a more natural smile.

The employee hastily captured it.

The six children leaned against the door, observing the happenings in the room. Their eyes were all brightly lit and radiated curiosity.

“Mommy and Mr. Graham are really getting married!” Jasper muttered.

“That's not quite right. They've really gotten married!” Gavin was all smiles, as happy as a clam.

All the other children nodded.


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