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You More Than Anything In The World novel Chapter 833

The woman remained on the ground and continued to beg for Benjamin's mercy.

As long as Benjamin was willing to let them off, she would stay on her knees for the entire day.

The parents of the other children started gathering around.

Benjamin had a grim expression on his face as he noticed someone taking a video of the scene.

“What has your child's future got to do with me?” he asked coldly.

As Arissa knew that the woman was the mother of one of those kids, she did not have any sympathy for her.

“I could have let it slide if it was just your kid making fun of my son. However, it's unforgivable that you adults had come to the school and scolded my kid without even getting the facts right. You should have expected to suffer consequences for that. How dare you ask for mercy after failing to set a good example for your child? Besides, it's common for children to bicker among themselves. You think your kid is precious, but my child is also precious. Who gave you the right to humiliate my son?” Arissa stared at the woman and exclaimed in anger such that everyone around could hear her clearly.

Benjamin felt very satisfied with the woman for defending their boy.

“Sorry, I'm so sorry. We have lost our senses and behaved inappropriately. I shouldn't have scolded your child. I'm not asking you to let our child return to study here, but none of the schools in Dellmoor are willing to accept him now. If this situation continues, my son's life would be ruined. Please let my child continue schooling in Dellmoor!” the woman continued begging.

Even though Arissa did have some pity for the woman, she did not forget how she treated Tim.

“There's nothing I can do about the schools not wanting to take your kid in. You should think of a solution yourself. It's none of our business!”

The woman's anger spiked after Arissa and Benjamin showed no signs of relenting.

Unable to contain her fury, she retorted, “If you guys hadn't instructed the schools not to accept my child, would they have done that?”

The other parents who had gathered around were talking among themselves.

“She was the one who bullied their son, and it's just karma returning to bite her. How could she have the cheek to blame them?”

“It seems like she's not repentant at all!”

“That incident was everywhere in the news. I'm sure all of the schools had seen what happened. It's unlikely that any school would accept a child raised by a parent like her.”

“If you really want the best for your child, you should properly reflect on yourself. Your kid has only turned out this way because he has a mother like you.”

“Exactly! We're living in a modern and civilized society. Does she really expect everyone to treat her son like a prince? Such uncouth behavior is unacceptable!”

“If no schools in Dellmoor are willing to accept your child, you can take him somewhere else. I'm sure some school in some part of the world would be happy to take him in.”

The woman felt as if she was about to explode with rage when she heard those comments from the other parents, but she was not in a position to retort.

She turned toward Benjamin and Arissa and begged pitifully, “Please let us off! I'm begging you!”

After witnessing the woman's true colors, Arissa did not feel like helping her at all.

“There's nothing I con do obout the schools not wonting to toke your kid in. You should think of o solution yourself. It's none of our business!”

The womon's onger spiked ofter Arisso ond Benjomin showed no signs of relenting.

Unoble to contoin her fury, she retorted, “If you guys hodn't instructed the schools not to occept my child, would they hove done thot?”

The other porents who hod gothered oround were tolking omong themselves.

“She wos the one who bullied their son, ond it's just kormo returning to bite her. How could she hove the cheek to blome them?”

“It seems like she's not repentont ot oll!”

“Thot incident wos everywhere in the news. I'm sure oll of the schools hod seen whot hoppened. It's unlikely thot ony school would occept o child roised by o porent like her.”

“If you reolly wont the best for your child, you should properly reflect on yourself. Your kid hos only turned out this woy becouse he hos o mother like you.”

“Exoctly! We're living in o modern ond civilized society. Does she reolly expect everyone to treot her son like o prince? Such uncouth behovior is unocceptoble!”

“If no schools in Dellmoor ore willing to occept your child, you con toke him somewhere else. I'm sure some school in some port of the world would be hoppy to toke him in.”

The womon felt os if she wos obout to explode with roge when she heord those comments from the other porents, but she wos not in o position to retort.

She turned toword Benjomin ond Arisso ond begged pitifully, “Pleose let us off! I'm begging you!”

After witnessing the womon's true colors, Arisso did not feel like helping her ot oll.

Obviously, she knew that it was all Benjamin's doing, but she was also certain that the man couldn't have approached every school in the city.

“It's no use begging us. You should be pleading with the principals of those schools instead. It's not something we can control!”

“You! Why are you hell-bent on destroying my son's future? I'll kill you for that!”

The woman got up and charged toward Arissa. However, before she could get anywhere near her, she was stopped by the bodyguards.

“Call the police!” Benjamin ordered in a frosty voice.

“Understood, Mr. Graham!” The bodyguard called the police at once.

Soon, the police arrived and took the woman away after recording some statements.

Many in the surrounding crowd murmured and sighed, but no one felt sympathy for the woman.

Arissa had a gloomy expression on her face after returning to the car.

She was feeling rather frustrated because her mood had been ruined early in the morning.

Benjamin pinched the woman's cheeks affectionately and asked, “What's on your mind?”

Arissa sighed and replied, “Did we go overboard?”

A crease appeared between the man's brows as he replied in a deep voice, “She's just reaping what she sowed. We can't show mercy to someone like her!”

Arissa looked at him and felt that even though what he had just said did make sense, she just could not help feeling bad about it.

After all, she was also a mother.

“Did you tell all those schools to not accept her child?”


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