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You Owe Me, My Love novel Chapter 108

Bai Rong kept gazing ahead and did not move. A glint of sorrow flashed past her indifferent eyes that encompassed all the hurt and unjust she had experienced, and darkness ensued.

However, as Gu Mingchen was hugging her, he could not see her pain.

He released his embrace and looked at her. It was a look of love, helplessness, apology and pain.

“Sorry.” He said, choking up.

Bai Rong downcast her eyes and her long lashes covered the windows to her soul.

“I won’t forgive you.” She replied softly.

Gu Mingchen was stunned for a moment. It was a bitter pill to swallow.

He was willing to bear her hatred and grievances. “OK, my life is yours. You can claim it anytime.”

“Leave.” Bai Rong said unfeelingly.

The man creased his brows tightly and remained on the spot without moving a single step.

“Leave.” Bai Rong repeated. This time, she lifted her head and looked at him.

The look of her eyes was resolute and chilled to the bone.

There was nothing else Gu Mingchen could say. He turned around and left.

“Rong, did you see that? His left pinkie finger was also gone. He must have done it to himself for you.” Liu Yan said as she choked up.

How could Bai Rong not have seen it?

She noticed it the moment he walked in.

But what could she do?

She knew the both of them had experienced hell for the past seven days.

Gu Mingchen had successfully negotiated for an engagement instead of marriage.

She did not blame him as that was the best he could have done.

She could only blame the fact that the both of them were still too weak.

When Bai Rong said that she would not forgive Gu Mingchen, it also acted as a reminder for the both of them.

She was not willing to sacrifice their love in exchange for their safety, so she needed to become stronger.

“I have a plan for the future.” Bai Rong said with certainty.

“Is there really nothing you can do?” Liu Yan felt unjust for them. “I think Gu Mingchen really likes you.”

“There is.” Bai Rong said, and looked at Liu Yan with a look of determination in her eyes. “I am signing up for this year’s entrance examination to enter the CCDI. I will become an authoritative figure in the cabinet.”

She left the apartment after saying that.

Liu Yan followed her immediately as she was worried about her friend.

Bai Rong purchased a new phone and went through some procedures at the telco in order to use back the same phone number.

After everything was done, she called Xing Bachuan. “I’m Bai Rong. Have you decided?”

“Why didn’t you answer when I called you previously?” Xing Bachuan raised his voice and reprimanded his daughter.

“Whether I answered or not wouldn’t have impacted your decision. So, what is your answer?” Bai Rong replied coldly.

“Let’s meet up to talk. Where are you now? I have some time in the afternoon.” The man said.

“We can just meet at your office, dad.” Bai Rong said and hung up.

Liu Yan looked at her friend worriedly.

She was aware that Bai Rong had a mother who was mentally ill and was staying at the psychiatric hospital.

She also knew that Bai Rong did not share a good relationship with her dad. Unless Bai Rong brought it up on her own accord, she would never probe.

“Rong, what are you intending to do? Don’t scare me. If you need my help, feel free to say. You are my best friend and I will brave any storm for you.” Liu Yan was very worried.

“I will be going back to that home. Yan, thank you, I am alright. I already said that things can only get better from now onward.” Bai Rong smiled faintly.

She looked beautiful when she smiled, but Liu Yan knew that there was a hole in her heart.


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