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You Owe Me, My Love novel Chapter 22

Bai Rong glanced at Su Xuyan in the rear mirror as she drove. The man was texting with his head down.

His hair fell on one side, covering half of his eyes and leaving a shadow on the bridge of his nose.

To be fair, this man looked fine and was very charming. Any simple move and gesture could easily touch the hearts of most women.

Even without all the wealth and authority, there would be a lot of girls who’d like him for the looks and temperament alone.

But she would not be one of them anymore. Looking like an angel on the outside, but the man was in fact a devil.

Su Xuyan glanced at Bai Rong with a smirk and spoke in a soft voice, “What are you looking at? Stop showing me that obsessive look every time. I’m gonna puke.”

Bai Rong retracted her eyes and looked straight ahead.

Su Xuyan was great at making people feel uncomfortable. Whatever, she didn’t bother to explain anymore. They were going to divorce tomorrow, might as well get along with each other for now.

“She is already on her way.” Su Xuyan replied in a good mood after mocking his wife.

“Cool, My wife has been waiting for you since forever. She’s going to give you a big surprise.” Zhang Zi said in exhilaration.

Su Xuyan didn’t turn back, but looked at Bai Rong gloomily.

She curled up her hair and exposed her fair neck; It was beautiful.

He was somewhat reluctant to let Zhang Zi have fun with her. “Behave well tonight.” Su Xuyan said meaningfully. I might let you go if you behave well.

He wanted to scare her since she was being disobedient recently, so he made her attend the Wife Exchange activity.

About half an hour later, the car stopped in front of the entrance of Shuiyunjian.

Su Xuyan got off the back seat first and commanded her without even looking back, “Catch up.”

Bai Rong held her bag tightly while following him behind and arrived at the door of room 302.

He knocked using the Su Family secret code. Tap twice; pause; tap three times; pause again; last tap. And the door was opened.

The moment the door was opened, Bai Rong saw a beautiful young woman in a strange attire. It looked like a swimsuit, with the rabbit ears as headband and a rabbit tail behind.

She blushed and smiled with the whip in both of her hands while looking at Su Xuyan delicately then said, “Your slave has been waiting for her Master here for a long time.”

Bai Rong’s heart froze for a moment and felt odd.

“Rebel, she is my wife. Isn’t she pretty?” Zhang Zi panted and said.

Bai Rong looked at Zhang Zi subconsciously. He was holding a girl and doing some vigorous activities with her. Her face looked familiar; A small-time actress named Song or something.

There was another man standing behind the girl, who seemed to be a friend of Su Xuyan, but she couldn’t recall his name.

It didn’t take her long to figure out what they were doing. Bai Rong turned around and wanted to leave.

Su Xuyan held her hand; pushed her into the room, and then locked the door.

Bai Rong slapped Su Xuyan in his face with her reddened eyes, “You seriously disgust me!”

Su Xuyan’s eyes gleamed and he held Bai Rong’s wrist, “You should learn from other women on how to please men.”

“Let me out.” Bai Rong took out her hand, but he pushed her hard onto the sofa.

He sat next to her then clamped her arm before she could get up and ordered the slave with a livid look, “Let her see what a woman should do for men to like her.”

“Yes, Master.” The slave kneels before Su Xuyan and unzips his pants.

Bai Rong looked away while Su Xuyan kicked the slave hard. “Ah!” The little slave fell onto the ground. “How was the kick? Did it feel good?” He asked maliciously.

“Thank you, Master, for kicking me.” The little slave answered tenderly without any hint of anger.

“Wash my feet clean.” Su Xuyan ordered. The slave knelt over and took off Su Xuyan’s shoes, socks and put his toes in her mouth.


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