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You Owe Me, My Love novel Chapter 47

Su Xuyan felt an inexplicable sense of discomfort in his heart when he saw her crying.

He never loved Bai Rong, and had ulterior motives ever since the first day he approached her.

He had wanted to get close to Xing Bachuan.

However, he didn’t expect that Xing Bachuan would not acknowledge her as his daughter.

He regretted his actions and arranged for the kidnapping because he didn’t want to marry her.

But she had managed to escape and even got raped by someone along the way, which angered him greatly.

She had insisted on marrying him after that, to which he agreed just so he could torment her.

But when she wanted to get a divorce, he felt unwilling to.

He was in a bad mood as he couldn’t figure out the reason he felt that way, “Let’s just stay separated for a month. If I am certain that I don’t want you anymore after that, I will agree to get a divorce. But you’d better not do anything that would wrong me during this one month.”

Bai Rong cried tears of joy, as if she had seen a glimmer of hope.

She grabbed her handbag and left the villa as quickly as possible.

Xing Jinnian let out a smug grin seeing her sister leave.

“Xuyan.” Xing Jinnian’s hand danced mischievously around Su Xuyan’s lap. “Now that she’s gone, let’s continue.”

Su Xuyan felt no excitement at all, “Nian, you can leave for now.”

“Alright, I’ll get going then. If I didn’t know you well enough, I would have suspected that you’ve fallen in love with Bai Rong.” Xing Jinnian said intentionally.

Su Xuyan gave her a sharp glare and pinned her onto the table, “Give me that crap again and I’ll kill you! How could I possibly love that woman?!”

Xing Jinnian wrapped herself around Su Xuyan and gave him a flirtatious smile, “Sure, I’m looking forward to that!”

Su Xuyan then penetrated her directly without wasting any time.

He found his mood to be particularly irritable, as if his heart was shrouded in darkness. In the end, he decided to not think about it and put all his emotions into his exercise…

Bai Rong contacted Liu Yan, who then took the day off to unlock the door for her.

Liu Yan was worried about her, “Rong, what has that animal done to you?”

“He agreed to live separately for a month, and we could get a divorce after that.” Bai Rong said with a smile.

“He finally made the right decision for once. You can stay at my place for the time being, just in case he changes his mind and looks for you. My house is quite big for me to live here alone anyway, so I could use some company.” Liu Yan opened the door.

“Alright. Thank you, Yan.”

Liu Yan hugged Bai Rong on the shoulder, “No need to thank me! Go on in and have a look at your room!”

Bai Rong left Gu Mingchen’s book on the balcony to dry.

Liu Yan leaned on the door frame as she stirred her coffee, “Once you get divorced with Su Xuyan, you can start dating Gu Mingchen properly. I think he’s a decent man.”

“Precisely, he’s too good…” Bai Rong turned around and asked, “What makes you think I am worthy of someone like him?”

“Shouldn’t women look for a man with better conditions than them? Forget about whether you’re worthy of him, and just focus on winning his heart over!” Liu Yan gulped on her coffee as she had to work the night shift.

Bai Rong just let out a faint smile without saying a word.

Her phone rang.

She saw that it was Gu Mingchen and hesitated for a bit, but decided that it was better to clear things up with him.

She didn’t want to start a new relationship at the moment as she was still healing from the wounds left by her previous one.

Bai Rong answered the call.

“Are you alright? I heard you took five days off! I’m making the arrangements for your mother’s release right now. I’ll have someone hand you the plane tickets for Provence later. There will be someone there to pick you up when you arrive.”


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