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You Owe Me, My Love novel Chapter 63

“I have only loved my husband Su Xuyan right from the start. I was only with you just to agitate him. I have never really thought of getting a divorce.” Bai Rong finished in one breath and lifted her chin. She was determined to do this.

Gu Mingchen sized her up and said, “I don’t believe. If what you said was true, why are you crying? If you only love your husband, then why did we do that just now?” He looked at her sternly.

“I was crying because I am not sure if I had made the right decision. I gave myself to you because you had helped me a lot and there’s nothing else I can do to repay you. I know you have always wanted this, so this is my way of repaying your kindness.” Bai Rong sniffed. She avoided Gu Mingchen’s gaze as she said all these.

Gu Mingchen narrowed his eyes and looked at Bai Rong. “I am only giving you one chance. Talk properly. Did you mean everything you said just now? I don’t believe you have no feelings for me.”

“Chief is fit, handsome and powerful. Any woman would have feelings for you. I am just an ordinary woman. Even so, I know what I really want.” Bai Rong said, as she lifted her head and looked at Gu Mingchen directly in the eyes.

Since she had already started, she could not end it here. She had to bite the bullet and carry through.

“What do you want?” Gu Mingchen asked. His breathing grew ragged as he was unable to stay calm. The look in his eyes also grew sharper.

“I want Su Xuyan. I want to take back everything I lost. Love, marriage, family… “

Before Bai Rong could finish her sentence, Gu Mingchen slammed the bowl onto the floor and looked at her sternly. “Are you asking me to not bother you and to stay out of your life forever?” He asked.

“Yes.” Bai Rong said resolutely. “Let everything between us end here today. I should go back to my family. Next time, steer away from women like me.”

Bai Rong walked to the door. She opened it and said, “Please leave. Don’t come here ever again. If we see each other again, let’s pretend that we don’t know each other.”

Gu Mingchen stood up coldly. He looked at her with his deep-set eyes that reflected a glint of pain.

He did not believe that her shyness and gentleness on the bed just now was only a pretense.

He did not believe that she would want to return to being a jerk like Su Xuyan.

Gu Mingchen did not believe that anything she said was real.

He would never believe Bai Rong could change so suddenly just because she had enough fun.

“Have you ever truly liked me?” Gu Mingchen asked in a cold voice while assessing her eyes. Just like x-rays, it was as though he was penetrating her thoughts.

“No. We are all adults. Don’t take it seriously. My husband had decided not to get a divorce anymore. And I choose to turn back before it is too late.” Bai Rong choked as she said it. She was trying to stifle her sobs.

Gu Mingchen walked towards her.

His aura was so strong that Bai Rong was unable to face him. She turned away.

Gu Mingchen stood right in front of Bai Rong and said, “Is it because your husband had a change of heart about the divorce and you thought you had no way out? So you gave yourself to me before ending things with me, right?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Bai Rong refused to look at him.

“I will definitely make him divorce you. You don’t trust me?” Gu Mingchen looked at Bai Rong helplessly.

It was not that she didn’t trust Gu Mingchen, but she knew Su Xuyan’s character too well.

“Just go.” Bai Rong turned such that her back faced him. She could no longer hold back her tears and they started streaming down her cheeks.

Bai Rong went back to her room and locked the door.

Gu Mingchen’s smell was still lingering in the room. Bai Rong had just chased away the person she wanted the most in her world.

She closed the only window in the room such that all that was left in her world was coldness and darkness.

Bai Rong squatted down next to the window. She hugged her feet and buried her face into the knees. She was finally sobbing uncontrollably.


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