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You Owe Me, My Love novel Chapter 65

“You let Su Xuyan touched you?” Gu Mingchen’s eyes turned chilly at her words, like a frozen lake in a barren land.

Bai Rong lowered her eyes and hid her emotions beneath her long eyelashes.

Liu Yan couldn’t help but look at Bai Rong tensely. Any man would be mindful of such matters concerning their lovers.

If Bai Rong really admitted this, then her relationship with Gu Mingchen would be finished for sure. She really hoped that Bai Rong would deny it.

Unfortunately, things didn’t go her way. Bai Rong squeezed out a word from her tight throat, “Yes.”

Pain flashed across Gu Mingchen’s eyes and melted into an obscured sense of despair.

“After you slept with me, you turned around to sleep with Su Xuyan?” Gu Mingchen interrogated icily. His features were hard with rage and no longer contained his usual warmth.

“Yes.” Bai Rong confirmed again as she closed her eyes. Behind those lids, soreness pricked the back of her eyes as the sensation to cry filled her orbs.

“You can get lost now.” Bai Rong said to Gu Mingchen heartlessly.

The man turned around and left Liu Yan’s office without a word.

Tears began to flow out of Bai Rong’s reddened eyes like a broken dam.

She was reluctant, heartbroken and helpless.

After using up all her strength, she finally pushed away the last trace of warmth she could ever receive in her life.

Her heart was aching so much that she felt herself suffocating. The poor girl’s breaths were short and painful with every breath she took.

Bai Rong’s heartbroken tears made Liu Yan’s heart ached as well.

Throughout the years she had known Bai Rong, she had never seen the girl sobbed so hard with despair.

“Bai Rong, I can see that he truly likes you. From the way he purposely came over to find you, it’s obvious that he cared about you very much! Why must you be so heartless towards him?” Liu Yan asked in bewilderment.

However, Bai Rong did not answer her and could only cry silently.

“Why don’t I call him back? Tell him everything!” Liu Yan’s voice was choking by now as she passed a tissue to Bai Rong.

Bai Rong blew her runny nose and turned to Liu Yan; her eyes gradually cleared up from her previous sobs. “Listen to me, don’t ever let Gu Mingchen know about the truth. Otherwise, my efforts to make him hate me will all be in vain. If you tell anything about this to him, then you’re no longer my friend.”

“I don’t get it. Isn’t it better for him to help you settle your problem? That will be much better than you facing it alone.” Liu Yan was very sorry over Bai Rong’s loss.

“What if he can’t? What do you think I can give him? He’s a soldier, first-in-command of the Special Forces. He has a bright future ahead of him; he may even be the future leader of the country! My presence will only be a black spot that will taint his political career. I don’t want him to blame me 10 years down the line if he had to face trouble because of me. Chasing him out of my life is the best option for all of us.” Bai Rong replied rationally.

“Who knows he really can!”

“I cannot put his future at stake!” Bai Rong paused as her lashes trembled before adding, “Because, I like him.”

The girl sobbed again after finishing her last sentence.

She had been grappling with her emotions while trying to push Gu Mingchen away, because she had no idea what she truly felt about him. The girl wanted to start a relationship with him, but at the same time, she was afraid to do so.

Until this moment of separation, only her feelings became crystal clear.

She had liked him all this while.

But now, everything about him had to be buried beneath the debris of time.

Bai Rong’s phone rang, and the caller was Su Xuyan. She frowned at the sudden call, but still answered it.

“You’re done?” Su Xuyan rushed impatiently.

“Give me a moment.” Bai Rong hung up the call and wiped her tears. “I’ve taken my leave for today, but I’m supposed to help a pregnant woman to do her surgery this morning, so please replace me for the task.”

“No problem.” Liu Yan asked worriedly, “Who called?”


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