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You Owe Me, My Love novel Chapter 67

Three years ago, Bai Rong had forced Su Xuyan to marry her.

During their wedding in the crowded church, none of the spectators were their relatives. They were all actors employed by Su Xuyan with a 50 dollar angpao each.

That was why she never had the chance to meet Su Xuyan’s relatives. She basically knew nothing about him.

Turned out Su Xuyan and Su Wanning were really cousins. That meant he and Su Junhao were cousins as well. And Su Junhao was Gu Mingchen’s best friend. All of them stayed in the same area.

What type of fate was this?

A commoner like her shouldn’t be mingling around this bunch of rich and high ranking people.

With Su Wanning’s appearance, the tension between the couple vanished as Su Xuyan placed his arm over Bai Rong’s shoulder with a crooked smile. “She’s your cousin-in-law.”

“Cousin-in-law?” Su Wanning’s shock doubled at the statement. “My dear cousin, since when were you married? She…….”

Su Wanning pointed at Bai Rong; her words stuck in her throat.

If Bai Rong was Su Xuyan’s wife, then she had nothing to do with Gu Mingchen at all.

So Gu Mingchen had been pretending in front of her all this while!

That realization lifted Su Wanning’s mood. “You two match each other well. By the way, today my boyfriend and his family are coming over for lunch. Why don’t you two come over with Aunt as well? Since we’re all going to be a family soon.”

“Boyfriend? You mean Gu Mingchen?” Su Xuyan smiled.

“You know I only love him all this while. After so long, he finally accepted me.” Su Wanning said so deliberately in front of Bai Rong.

Bai Rong lowered her eyes and hid her emotions beneath her long lashes. She thought she wouldn’t be sad. After all, she was the one who pushed him away.

But the news of him finally accepting Su Wanning and having dinner with her family still pained her.

It was a merciless agony that came out of the blue without giving her time to compose herself. No matter how she tried to not care, it would always eat up on her as she could never fool her heart.

“Ok, let’s go together. It’s time for us to meet up anyway. So many events have disrupted our plans and it’s time to make things right and official. Am I right, my dear wife?” Su Xuyan looked at Bai Rong wickedly.

Bai Rong turned away and avoided his mean gaze. “I don’t want to go.”

A malicious glare shot from Su Xuyan’s dark eyes. “It’s not up to you. I’m warning you, don’t try to go after men that are not meant for you.”

“What do you mean by that? Who is she going after? Is she having an affair outside? If that’s the case, I’ll never allow such a flirty woman to be my daughter-in-law.” Xiong Daini replied sharply.

“Of course not, she wouldn’t dare to do that.” Su Xuyan smiled confidently as he looked at Bai Rong crookedly. “Right, Rong?”

Bai Rong balled her fist as she glared at Su Xuyan.

He was like a dangerous beast that cornered her, making her struggle to catch her breath without giving her a break.

She knew that the moment she met Gu Mingchen’s parents with her current identity, there would be no way for them to get together even after she divorced. His parents would never allow him to marry a divorced woman like her.

But she had no choice other than bracing herself for the meeting.

“Xuyan, you sure you want to bring her with you? I’m not ready to let her ruin my name.” Xiong Daini reminded her son displeasingly.

“We have to meet sooner or later. Let’s go.” Su Xuyan wrapped his arms around Bai Rong’s waist.

Bai Rong pried off his hands and said sarcastically, “Aren’t you germophobic? I’m dirtying your hands.”

“I’m already dirty, so I don’t mind.” Su Xuyan replied and pulled her closer to his embrace.


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