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You Owe Me, My Love novel Chapter 74

The phone rang and rang but there was no answer.

“Damn it!” Liu Yan threw her phone angrily.

But Bai Rong was in danger now, so she couldn’t let her emotions get the better of her.

Liu Yan picked up the phone from the floor again.

Thank goodness, it isn’t broken!

She tried calling Gu Mingchen again, but there was still no answer.

At this point, Liu Yan was already close to breaking down in tears from the panic and fear.

“Answer the phone, Gu Mingchen! Her life is depending on you!” Liu Yan muttered to herself as the phone continued to ring, but there was still no answer.

Right as Liu Yan felt like throwing her phone in frustration again, Gu Mingchen called her back.

“Chief Gu, you finally answered! I was so stressed that I was prepared to kill myself over here!” Liu Yan said while sobbing.

“Get to the point. I’m in a meeting right now.” Gu Mingchen said coldly.

“Okay. Chief Gu, please save Bai Rong! She’s been taken away by Su Xuyan! She has never slept with him at all! She was just lying to you about it! Also, I’m the real reason she couldn’t be with you! Su Xuyan recorded some inappropriate videos of me and threatened Bai Rong with them in order to keep her from getting a divorce! She really does like you, I promise! She only said those harsh things to you because she didn’t want to affect your bright future!” Liu Yan told him the truth about everything.

Gu Mingchen frowned. He knew Bai Rong must have her reasons for rejecting him.

“I’ll take care of this. Bye for now.” Gu Mingchen raised his hand and looked at his watch.

“You must handle it immediately, sir! It’s been a few minutes since they’ve left now. I fear you might not make it in time!” Liu Yan said urgently.

“Understood.” Gu Mingchen hung up and gave it some thought before calling the chief of police in A City.

“Hello, I’m from the military. The deputy director of the Ministry of Health, Su Xuyan is involved in a major case, and we need him to cooperate with the investigation. Locate his mobile phone immediately, and bring him in within ten minutes. This involves military secrets, so we must keep this highly confidential. Our lieutenant will come to deal with it.”

“Yes, sir. We’ll definitely cooperate with the military’s operations.” The chief of police promised.

On the road.

Bai Rong was looking out the window.

The heavy rain was hitting the window, and the scenery outside seemed blurry, just like her mind.

Su Xuyan looked at her, and saw that her face was still swollen.

He was well aware of how heavy his hit was, but he was too proud to apologize to her.

“Move back in with me. I’ll stay over every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.” Su Xuyan said.

Bai Rong gave him a sarcastic smile as she asked coldly, “What about Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday?”

“Don’t be too greedy.”

“You know I’ve always been a greedy person. I want my man to be loyal to me alone.” Bai Rong said calmly.

“What right do you have to demand my loyalty? What man doesn’t fool around outside these days? You women should just turn a blind eye to it. Makes your life easier that way.” Su Xuyan reminded.

“So……” Bai Rong squinted at him, “We should not be together if our views differ.”

Su Xuyan sneered at her, “To me, you are not even worthy of sharing a view with me.”

“Is that so?” Bai Rong was calm as she looked at the heavy storm outside.

Neither of them spoke, and the car was eerily silent.

“If you feel lonely, I’ll allow you to have a child with me. I’ll give you a hundred thousand every month. You can keep your job as a doctor if you want, it doesn’t matter to me.” Su Xuyan said.

Bai Rong kept quiet.

Su Xuyan frowned, “Did you hear me?”

Bai Rong turned to look at him, “I’ve been thinking. My social status and outlooks are nothing like Xing Jinnian’s, and she loves you so much too. So, why won’t you just get a divorce with me? Su Xuyan, have you perhaps fallen in love with me?”


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