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You Owe Me, My Love novel Chapter 81

Bai Rong looked at Su Xuyan in disbelief, “Are you willing to divorce?”

“Provided that you’ll be available at all times.” Su Xuyan added.

“What if I’m still at work?” She still couldn’t believe what he said.

He agreed to divorce out of the blue. Moreover, she had not even managed to threaten him successfully.

“I will only look for you when you’re not working.” Su Xuyan said in a deep voice.

“How long will it be?” Bai Rong asked right after.

“You don’t have the rights to negotiate with me. That would be until I’m sick of it. Of course, you can choose not to divorce.” Su Xuyan raised the corners of his lips; there was bleakness in his eyes, “You better abide because I don’t really feel like divorcing now.”

“I promise. Now let’s go to the Civil Affairs Bureau. I can divorce without getting anything. I’ve brought the household register with me.” Bai Rong immediately agreed.

Su Xuyan felt an indescribable loss in his heart and walked ahead. She followed him behind; like she was afraid that he might regret it later.

Su Xuyan went back to the villa to get the residence booklet as well as the marriage certificate. There was a mysterious silence in the car. The closer he got to the Bureau, the more he realized that he didn’t want to divorce.

After he divorced her, she would marry another man; she would become the wife of another man, cook for another man and bear a child of another man. The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt.

“You won’t get married right after the divorce, will you?” Su Xuyan asked coldly.

“I won’t.” Bai Rong answered determinedly.

Su Xuyan looked at her. She was soft and quiet. The sunlight that was shone at the side of her face further highlighted her scenery-like beautiful appearance which caused a faint throbbing that rippled circles in his heart. She was indeed a very beautiful woman.

He had decided to marry her at the first sight instead of Xing Jinnian. But it never crossed his mind that she meant nothing to Xing Bachuan.

“If I promise I’ll stop skirt-chasing, will you still want to get a divorce?” Su Xuyan asked. He became unusually irritated when he asked that question. That made him seem a little humbled because he was always puffed up with pride and arrogance.

“Just kidding.” Su Xuyan added. The man regretted the moment he said that. Who knew if she might agree to not divorce.

He had blocked every alternative way. The man was at the end of his wit’s.

They arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau after a while. He followed her on the stairs and felt a little flustered inexplicably.

He wanted to show her his goodness at the very last moment, “You can take your share of properties. I’ll transfer the ownership of the unit that you’re residing now to you in addition to another one million transferred to your account so that you can live a better life.”

“It’s alright. it’s not like you’ve stolen or earned them easily.” Bai Rong rejected his offer.

Su Xuyan fixed his gaze on her. He hoped she would demand an exorbitant amount at this moment so that he’d feel better and as a result, break the image of her noble and elegant attitude. But it happened that she didn’t want anything; not even the compensation of the loss of her precious youth.

“Being stubborn will not do any good for you. Why don’t you accept it?” Su Xuyan walked swiftly to her side.

Bai Rong raised a smile at the corners of her mouth, “We always like to water down problems with our own perspective, but we never consider even a bit what others truly want. Thank you, Mr. Su, for your kindness, but I really don’t need it.”

To be addressed as Mr. Su, he felt estranged and it made him feel immensely unbearable.


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