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You Owe Me, My Love novel Chapter 86

Su Xuyan called Bai Rong when she was about to get off work.

In irritation, she asked, “What?”

“Let’s meet up after you’re done with work. I’m here.” Su Xuyan seemed to be in a happy mood.

“Today will be the second day of this week if we are to meet. Tomorrow is the weekend, so you will not be calling me right?” Bai Rong said to reaffirm that.

“Heh.” Su Xuyan chuckled. “Don’t worry, I’m a man of my word.”

“I’ll come out in a while.” Bai Rong frowned and threw her phone into the bag and left.

Liu Yan came over, “Where are you going? Are you not going back with me?”

“I need to settle some stuff. See you at home three hours later.” Bai Rong explained.

When she came out, Su Xuyan was already standing beside his car wearing a pair of shades and a golden suit. His charm was eye-catching, especially the bouquet of roses in his hand. He handed it towards her with a confident smirk, “For you.”

Bai Rong didn’t want to entertain his nonsense, so she took the flower from his hand and threw it into the trash bin.

“Where are we going?” She looked at her phone and started to countdown.

Su Xuyan stared at her proud appearance and opened the car door, “Get in.”

Bai Rong sat in the front passenger seat and fastened the seatbelt, before taking the jewelry box out from her bag and threw it into the storage box.

“Weren’t you looking cool when you threw the roses just now? Why don’t you throw the jewelry away since you don’t want it?” Su Xuyan said while looking ahead.

“If you want me to reimburse you for throwing away the flowers, I can still do it. But I can’t compensate you for throwing this jewelry away.” Bai Rong leaned against the chair and looked in front indifferently.

“Bai Rong, you are good at many things, but you’re too stubborn. You don’t know how to judge a situation. You’re gonna regret keeping this attitude now in the future.” Su Xuyan stared at Bai Rong and said significantly.

“Then let’s talk about this in the future.” She didn’t even look at him and said.

“I guess you’ve heard from Gu Mingchen, right?” Su Xuyan said abruptly.

“About what?” Bai Rong stared at him.

“About his engagement with Su Wanning. They’ve already set the date on the 9th next month. According to Wanning’s character, you should be receiving an invitation card from her.”

Bai Rong looked at Su Xuyan in disbelief, “You are all joking, right?”

Su Xuyan smirked and turned on the car music, “Look at you. It seems like Gu Mingchen still hasn’t told you.”

“I will not believe if he didn’t tell me himself. So don’t waste your time trying to drive a wedge between us.” Bai Rong said with determination.

Su Xuyan furrowed his brows, “Why didn’t you have that much trust in me back then?”

“Me not trusting you was a correct judgement, wasn’t it?” Bai Rong said sarcastically.

Hearing her, the man laughed, “At the very least, I didn’t play with your feelings and didn’t hide myself. If I didn’t want myself to be found, do you think you can find me that easily?”

“It was just because you didn’t bother to hide from me. I know that much.”

She didn’t even want to recall those past.

“Well, I’ll give you a chance to ask Gu Mingchen face to face.” Su Xuyan drove and said.

Bai Rong guarded, “Su Xuyan, what do you mean?”

“Today is my grandfather’s birthday celebration, so I’ll bring you there for a meal. Of course, if you don’t want to be there, I can let you watch an interesting show in the surveillance room. Since you don’t believe me, I shall let you see it for yourself.” Su Xuyan said determinedly.

Bai Rong frowned and said nothing.

She had decided to believe that Gu Mingchen did not betray her.


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