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You Owe Me, My Love novel Chapter 96

Bai Rong fell asleep while resting her head on the car seat in front of her.

From the way she slept, Gu Mingchen could tell that she was not in a comfortable position.

As such, he held her shoulders and slowly placed the sleeping girl’s head on his lap. Afraid that she would fall off, the man held on to her throughout the ride.

Chen Zhi sneaked a peek at his chief. It was the first time he had seen him being so soft and tender, particularly towards a lady.

Oblivious to his subordinate’s peeks, Gu Mingchen continued to look at the girl on his lap with a loving but apologetic gaze.

For the past two days, Bai Rong had been following them around while coming out with ingenious ideas and hiking dangerous regions for their mission. She had not complained about anything, and even tried to take the lead just to not hinder their progress.

He should’ve controlled his temper; his temper was the sword that had wounded the woman he cared about the most.

He could lose his temper in front of his army and comrades, but not towards the lady lying on his lap.

The car stopped. Bai Rong opened her eyes, only to be met with Gu Mingchen’s.

She sat up from his lap, her emotions unreadable as her eyes darted outside the window. “Have we reached the hotel?”

“We’ll have dinner first. Chen Zhi and I will track down the survivor from Tangqian Village. You can rest in the hotel.” Gu Mingchen replied gently.

“No need. I can have dinner anytime. Let’s get things done first. If Xia He really informs Tang Xiaojiu of our arrival, he might have escaped by now. He’s the key to solving the case.” Bai Rong suggested.

Gu Mingchen nodded at Chen Zhi and sent Tang Xiaojiu’s address to him.

Bai Rong’s hair was unruly due to her nap. She proceeded to untie her hair and combed it with her fingers.

Gu Mingchen stared at her silently while watching the girl’s actions. She did not bother to spare him a glance, like a pure but distant goddess who was minding her own business.

“Rong.” Gu Mingchen called out to her.

Bai Rong turned to him in answer.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have vented my anger on you.” Gu Mingchen apologized.

The girl paused in her movements. She could hardly believe that a proud and cool man like him would actually apologize to her.

It was not easy even for regular people to humble themselves and admit their mistakes, let alone a prideful man like him who had been in a high position for a long time.

The girl was quite touched by his sincerity. By now, her head was cleared and she was no longer mad at him.

It was common for anyone to quarrel out of different points of views and opinions. At that time, the girl was unavoidably upset by the situation. But after some cooling down, she realized that it was nothing major.

As long as the man did not betray her or cheat on her; As long as he did not test her limits, then she would never be mad at him for long.

No man could be devoid of his temper nor emotions. Only robots could do that. Bai Rong had a bad temper as well, so she knew it was not right of her to expect the Chief to not lose his temper for once.

“I’m wrong too. I shouldn’t have commented too much on things that I don’t understand.” Bai Rong apologized as well.

“Back then, I brought along 8 members from the Special Forces to rescue a politician. However, there was a spy within the group, which caused my comrades to die one by one. By the end of the mission, the only people alive were me and Xia He, who went missing at a critical moment. Many evidences showed that she was the spy, and that’s why I have been tracking and pursuing her for the past few years. My comrades’ death has been haunting me ever since then, so I got emotional the moment I saw her and lost my rationality.” Gu Mingchen explained.

“I understand.” Bai Rong nodded in understanding.

Gu Mingchen turned to hold her hand. “However, what you said makes sense. If she was the spy, why didn’t she return to the team after the mission, but continued hiding in a desolate Tangqian Village? I will investigate this matter.”

“I’m just suggesting randomly. You’re the one who knows best on what to do regarding military affairs.” Bai Rong answered weakly.

“You’re still mad at me?” Gu Mingchen asked worriedly.


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