Chapter 174
It's the weekend and my parents are out of town so that calls fora celebration.
What exactly we're celebrating, I'm not sure.
But do we need to have a reason to party? I dont think so.
I'm dragging a cooler out on the back patio when my first guests show up, all three of them strolling into my back yard.
Harper, Sadie and Ryan.
“Hope you have lots of booze tonight!" Sadie does a little shimmy, hip checking my girlfriend and nearly sending her toppling over.
"Plenty for you Sadie,’ I tell her, extending my arm toward Harper and pulling her to me, delivering a quick kiss to her lips.
"Hey beautiful"
She smiles, her hand resting on my chest.
"I will never get tired of hearing you say that"
“Gag.” This comes from Ryan, who's watching us with a scowl on his face.
"You two disgust me"
"Stop being such a grouch"
Sadie lightly slaps Ryan's arm.
"You should be happy right now"
"Is there a specific reason why he should be happy?" Harper asks, her gaze questioning.
"We discussed it a couple of nights ago and...Ryan and I are going to college together!" Sadie throws both arms up in the air, her expression triumphant.
“Oh my God!” Harper pulls away from me to wrap her best friend up ina hug.
"I'm so excited for you!” "I'm excited too.” Sadie hugs her back.
"And so is Ryan.
Right Ryan?" "Sure, Ryan says automatically.
I wonder if that's true.
Soon after they arrive, all sorts of people start to show up.
Someone starts playing music and it's fucking loud.
A couple of girls brought giant platters of food from a local Mexican restaurant and everyone starts eating.
Harper and Sadie are hanging out, dancing to the music with giant smiles on their faces and I can't stop staring at my girlfriend.
She looks extra hot tonight in those short denim shorts and the tight shirt that shows off her tits.
Her hair keeps getting in her face and she keeps batting it away, laughing at whatever Sadie says as she keeps shaking her ass.
Harper catches me staring and flashes one of those shy smiles that make my dick hard.
I take a sip from my beer, my gaze never leaving her even when I feel someone approach.
“You really love my sister, don't you?" I glance over at Ryan who's standing directly beside him.
"More than anything else in this world"
He takes a sip from his beer.
"I cant believe you gave up Stanford for her"
“Not like it was a hardship,” I drawl.
Ryan rolls his eyes.
"Besides, UCLA is an excellent school.” "Your parents cool with you changing your plan?" “It was never my plan.
It was always my dad's.
He never asked me once what I wanted to do.
He just assumed I would follow in his footsteps.
The readers' comments on the novel: You’re Mine by Penny Brooks
I enjoyed this. I wished the ending was more opened ended. I think ending with them just starting college and moving in together would have been better ending instead of going in on their future. I personally saw them running off getting married their freshmen year with family drama reaction and having a baby not long after because that fit them more. I didn't care for the twins(not a fan of twins in stories because it suppose to make it dramatic but 9 out of 10 times fails like in this) or how their beginning life begin after high school but that is just me....
Where’s chapter 138?...
Thank you for this book. I connected very much with Harper, although my happily ever after was years after high school and not someone I went to school with. I cried for Harpers pain, and the bullying she went through. (I went through that too) I cried for just how much Easton loved and tried to protect Harper..... heck I even wanted to jump into the pages to knock out Blake and Aisha.... (sad thing those people really do exist). I felt pride for Harper when she stood up for herself against Aisha. This book made me feel so many feelings. Thank you, and I'm so glad the happily ever after I was praying for from the start happened to that sweet, quiet, awkward, girl. Just thank you....