Chapter 184
The drive to the hotel is half lusting over Harper and half alcohol buzzing through my veins.
Sadie and Ryan haven't come up for air in the last few minutes as they make out across from us like we won't have to go to therapy after listening to the wetness of their mouths sliding against one another along with the moans and what I’m sure is a giant boner Ryan's sporting since sitting down and pulling her onto his lap.
“So this is fun."
Harper jokes and then shudders as Ryan moans again.
“So fucking fun.” I laugh and then pull her against me, kissing the top of her head.
God knows I want my girl, I always do, but I don't need to be all over her right now.
l adjust her crown on her head with pride before kissing her cheek again.
“You ready to party?” She looks up at me.
“I think we'll at least out last those two.” Ryan moans.
*Son of a bitch, bro!” I throw my flask at his feet.
"Knock it off, we get it.
You're horny and super drunk, wait until you at least don't have an audience.” “Don't mind one,” he says between kisses.
“Sadiieeeeeee.” Harper draws out her name.
“Fine, fine.” Sadie gives Ryan a bit of a shove.
“Stop clutching your pearls.” “More like puking them up,” I mutter under my breath, earning a laugh from Harper.
Ryan sits back and wipes his mouth with his sleeve like he’s been deep diving for clams or something, and Sadie stares across at us.
“Is my lipstick messed up?"
I frown and lean in toward Harper.
“She's joking, right?” “Maybe it's a trick question?” She bounces back.
“Or we win a prize if we answer correctly?” "She does realize she’s spent the last five minutes getting mauled by my twin...
ewwww, I can't say it out loud, saying it makes it real.” “Was fucking real a few seconds ago, babe.” I shudder.
“And yes, Sadie...” I turn my voice up a notch.
“Your makeup is fucked because of that fucker who wants to fuck you.
Any questions?” She turns to Ryan, who flips me off across the limo.
“Really?” “No, you're beautiful, always beautiful.” “Right,” Harper pipes up, “But you've got” She points her finger.
"...lipstick, like painted against your chin and right cheek.” I nod my head in agreement.
“Think less crime scene more...
Vampire if that helps?” Sadie shoves Ryan and grabs her purse while Harper and I snicker and lean in close.
I can’t help but stare at the stars in her eyes and pray to God it’s because we're together, despite the fucking spray paint and the bullies.
Damn it, we may just survive all of this, huh? High school should come with both a waming and a passport just to get in so we can burn it when we get out—ridiculous.
I try not to do that whole trip down memory lane because, quite honestly, it makes me fucking panic over all of the shit that went down...
that we went through...
and the shit road we had to travel down to get to this point.
Would I do it again? Yeah, and that's what's terrifying.
Because a year ago, I would have said I wanted an easy senior year, no drama, a lot of sex, hanging out with my boys.
But now? I have my queen by my side.
She's wearing the crown she deserves after going to hell and back, and honestly, I'd travel that road a billion times as long it means I get to be by her side.
My brain screams.
“Yup,” my heart screams right back as it flips my brain off.
The readers' comments on the novel: You’re Mine by Penny Brooks
I enjoyed this. I wished the ending was more opened ended. I think ending with them just starting college and moving in together would have been better ending instead of going in on their future. I personally saw them running off getting married their freshmen year with family drama reaction and having a baby not long after because that fit them more. I didn't care for the twins(not a fan of twins in stories because it suppose to make it dramatic but 9 out of 10 times fails like in this) or how their beginning life begin after high school but that is just me....
Where’s chapter 138?...
Thank you for this book. I connected very much with Harper, although my happily ever after was years after high school and not someone I went to school with. I cried for Harpers pain, and the bullying she went through. (I went through that too) I cried for just how much Easton loved and tried to protect Harper..... heck I even wanted to jump into the pages to knock out Blake and Aisha.... (sad thing those people really do exist). I felt pride for Harper when she stood up for herself against Aisha. This book made me feel so many feelings. Thank you, and I'm so glad the happily ever after I was praying for from the start happened to that sweet, quiet, awkward, girl. Just thank you....