Chapter 192
Me: Just a few more hours and we're graduated, dude, that's fucking crazy.
Harper: Right? These last few weeks have flown by.
It's what I wished for and now it's here and gah! Me: That graduation practice was a total joke today, but are you comfortable with it all, do you know what you're doing? Harper: Wait, you're asking ME if I know what I'M doing? I'm the one who was paying attention to where we're supposed to line up and all that.
You're the one who was high as hell with my brother, laughing non-stop.
Me: lol truth ...
I'm just always worried about you, baby.
Harper: I love you for that, but I'm all good.
I'll see you there very soon.
I smile at her last message and put my phone down.
Then, I take my black tie out of my closet and wrap it around my neck.
Once the knot is where I want it, I carefully place the graduation gown over me and I put the cap on my head.
I take a final look at myself in the mirror, knowing the minute I get downstairs, my family is going to want pictures.
They're all here—my brothers and their girls, aunts and uncles, everyone coming to the auditorium to watch me walk across the stage.
Being the youngest, I know this is a big deal for my parents, so that's why I don't lose my patience when I join them downstairs and pose in every fucking direction while they snap a million pictures of me.
And since some of my family hasn't seen me since I decided to go to UCLA, I accept the small digs they shoot in my direction for being the rebel of the family and not going to Stanford like the others.
Whatever, I can handle it.
In fact, bring it on.
I don't want to be like my brothers.
I don't want to get into law.
I want to be my own person and go my own direction and kick ass ina way that isn't expected of me.
And by some fucking miracle, the people I was most worried about— Mom and Dad—didn't kill me over my decision.
Sure, they wanted Stanford.
Sure, they're a bit salty about it.
But they accepted UCLA and they’re even hooking me up with something huge for my first year there—something I haven't told Harper yet, but I'm going to surprise her with it later.
Damn it, I can't wait to see her face when I tell her the news.
That's what has me smiling as I take some final pictures with my brothers.
Once the photoshoot is over, my parents approach me just as I'm getting ready to leave.
“We're so proud of you, honey,” my mother says, kissing my cheek.
“We know you worked so incredibly hard this year and your grades couldn't have made us happier."
This definitely isn't the moment where I bring up Leigh and her help with that.
Nah, that secret is going to my grave.
But I pulled my shit together and I got the grades I needed to and that's all that matters.
"Thanks, Mom—and thanks for being cool with my decision over UCLA’ She adjusts my tie as my father says, "Are you sure I can't convince you to go to Stanford?"
He's holding his phone and shakes it in his hand.
"A quick email is all it'll take and I can tell them you've changed your mind and—"
"No, Dad.” I know this is the lawyer in him.
He doesn't stop until he wins.
But he's not going to win this and his eyes tell me he's accepting that fact.
"I'm happy with where I'm going.” He nods.
“I understand, son.
But I had to try one last time.” “I'll see you both at graduation,” I tell them, and I say good—bye to the rest of my family and hurry outside to my Jeep.
The readers' comments on the novel: You’re Mine by Penny Brooks
I enjoyed this. I wished the ending was more opened ended. I think ending with them just starting college and moving in together would have been better ending instead of going in on their future. I personally saw them running off getting married their freshmen year with family drama reaction and having a baby not long after because that fit them more. I didn't care for the twins(not a fan of twins in stories because it suppose to make it dramatic but 9 out of 10 times fails like in this) or how their beginning life begin after high school but that is just me....
Where’s chapter 138?...
Thank you for this book. I connected very much with Harper, although my happily ever after was years after high school and not someone I went to school with. I cried for Harpers pain, and the bullying she went through. (I went through that too) I cried for just how much Easton loved and tried to protect Harper..... heck I even wanted to jump into the pages to knock out Blake and Aisha.... (sad thing those people really do exist). I felt pride for Harper when she stood up for herself against Aisha. This book made me feel so many feelings. Thank you, and I'm so glad the happily ever after I was praying for from the start happened to that sweet, quiet, awkward, girl. Just thank you....