Chapter 49
The last thing I wanted to do when I got to Aisha’s was take a shower, but I had to rub one off before I do something I regret. So, I told Aisha I needed to sober up-the best excuse I could come up with on the spot-and headed for the bathroom in her room. Leaving Harper’s with a raging hard-on was a bad idea, but the second that warm water hit me, I thought of the way her pussy tasted, and jerked myself off.
When I leave the bathroom with just a towel around my waist, I’m not surprised to find Aisha right outside, lying on her bed, not in the kitchen where I’d left her and Julia.
She eye fucks me as I step toward her. “Yum.”
My pile of clothes are at the end of the mattress, folded. Not like I left them.
grab my jeans. “Nothing you haven’t seen before.”
“It gets better each time.” She’s chewing her nail, her gaze slowly lowering down my body.
Topen my jeans and she crawls toward me. “Don’t bother putting those on when you know I’m going to take them off.”
I should have expected this when I saw her on the bed.
I don’t know what the hell I was thinking when I came over here.
“I don’t have time for that right now…” I smile. “And you know I’m not quick.”
Leaving the towel securely around my waist, I slip on my boxers and then the jeans, grabbing my phone from the pocket once I’m zipped up and buttoned.
“Ugh, you’re so annoying. Here I am, all willing and ready, and you’re playing hard to get.” She wraps her hands around my thigh and looks up at me through her lashes. “I’m sure you could be quick if you really wanted to.” er 49
Ignoring her, I read the messages on the screen. A few notifications, one that says Aisha has tagged me on Instagram, no missed calls or texts.
I’m afraid to even look at her post.
“That wouldn’t be fair, would it?” I say and shove the phone back in my pocket. I toss the towel onto her bathroom sink and reach for my T-shirt. “Besides, I’ve got to talk to Ryan about something, which means I’ve gotta get going.”
Her palm flattens against my stomach. “Ryan can wait.” She’s toying with the button on my jeans, her lips tugging into a grin, like she’s dreaming about sucking my cock.
I need to get the fuck out of here.
“He can’t,” I tell her. “It’s important.”
“But you haven’t even spent any time with me, and Julia came all the way here to help you.”
Julia wants to do more than help me.
I wonder if Aisha knows that.
I put on my T-shirt and take a step back. “I’ll make it up to you.”
“Wait,” she says, clamping down on my waist. “Isn’t there something I can do to make you stay?”
She’s pouting.
And I can’t fucking stand it.
I pull her fingers away. “I’ll see you at school tomorrow.” I touch her cheek, giving her the tiniest bit of attention, so she doesn’t try anything else, like pounce on top of me, and I head for the stairs.
Julia is at the kitchen table, books spread out around her. “I’ve got to run,” I tell her. “We‘re good with the history paper?”
She rolls her eyes. “You still haven’t paid up for the last one I wrote.”
“lowe you.”
She licks her lips, eventually biting the bottom one. “Double.”
Man, these girls are relentless.
I hurry out to my Jeep and take out my phone as I start up the engine, shooting off a text to Ryan.
Me: Headed home, give me a call
Since I pass an ATM on my way, I stop and withdraw enough cash to cover my debt with Julia and continue onto my neighborhood. When I’m only a few houses away, I see Ryan’s car parked in my driveway.
I check my phone, looking for a missed call or text from him.
There are none.
1 park and get out of my Jeep, Ryan rushing out of his, meeting me in the middle of the driveway
he saw you two kissing.”
her? That’s why he was in that hallway.”
The readers' comments on the novel: You’re Mine by Penny Brooks
I enjoyed this. I wished the ending was more opened ended. I think ending with them just starting college and moving in together would have been better ending instead of going in on their future. I personally saw them running off getting married their freshmen year with family drama reaction and having a baby not long after because that fit them more. I didn't care for the twins(not a fan of twins in stories because it suppose to make it dramatic but 9 out of 10 times fails like in this) or how their beginning life begin after high school but that is just me....
Where’s chapter 138?...
Thank you for this book. I connected very much with Harper, although my happily ever after was years after high school and not someone I went to school with. I cried for Harpers pain, and the bullying she went through. (I went through that too) I cried for just how much Easton loved and tried to protect Harper..... heck I even wanted to jump into the pages to knock out Blake and Aisha.... (sad thing those people really do exist). I felt pride for Harper when she stood up for herself against Aisha. This book made me feel so many feelings. Thank you, and I'm so glad the happily ever after I was praying for from the start happened to that sweet, quiet, awkward, girl. Just thank you....