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Young Lord of The Dragon Sect novel Chapter 130

Although there were only several words in Maximilian’s remarks, they exploded loudly like bombs in the crowd.

They all thought that Maximilian was mad, including Marcus and Humphrey.

At that time, those words might make everyone die!

Victoria was extremely astonished, too. She could not figure out what Maximilian was doing. It was so difficult for them to soften Jonathan's attitude.

Fletcher's eyes spat huge fury that seemed to destroy everything. The hatred that had just been put down burst out immediately. But the most astonished one in the room was Jonathan!

Hearing familiar voice, Jonathan looked at Maximilian, who had just raised his head and was smiling at him. His brain was buzzing.

The Young Lord!

He thought to himself, “The Young Lord of the Dragon Sect is here! What had I just done? I even wanted to occupy the Young

Lord's private room. And I even asked Fletcher to punish the Young Lord's friends and relatives. I had not offended a bit shot, but I had fucking offended the God!”

Dragon Sect was like the God for Jonathan. Even if he spent all he had fighting against it, Dragon Sect would never be affected

Cold sweat was trickling down his back.

When Jonathan was about to apologize, the Griffiths stood up quickly.

Iris was the fastest one to take action, as she thought she would get rid of the trouble and successfully escape from Jonathan.

But her hope to leave stealthily was destroyed and she hated to hear Maximilian’s words.

“Maximilian, you are an bastard! If you want to go hell, then just go. Don't get us into trouble. We do not want to offend bit

shots because of you. Do you know who they are in front of you? How dare you speak like that!" Iris yelled with her beautiful fingers pointing at Maximilian.

Franklin was so angry that he raised his arm and was eager to slap Maximilian on his face.

“You are a trash! It's our pleasure to get our private room changed for Mr. Jonathan. You, a crap, have no right to say no. Who do you think you are? Keep quiet in this room? Franklin scolded in a flap.

“Maximilian, do you want everyone to go to hell? Kneel down right away and make an apology. If Mr. Jonathan doesn't forgive you, you should be kowtowing until you die!” Laura roared like a fierce lioness.

Marcus was so angry that he even wanted to kill him with the Jade Dragon. “Do you hear that? Bastard! Go and apologize. Why do you stay still? Don't tell me you need our help”

The dramatic change made Jonathan in a trance and he could not figure out what was happening.

It was so weird that the Young Lord of the Dragon Sect was scolded by those people.

Jonathan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. He had no idea of what Maximilian wanted to do and did not trust himself to speak. If Maximilian was playing some morbid games, he would be in big trouble to disclose his identity.

Victoria glared at Maximilian anxiously and said with blame, “I have told you to keep your mouth shut. Why do you..” She was interrupted by Maximilian, who patted on her hand and comforted her.

“Mr. Jonathan, you are a great person who is reasonable and civilized. I believe that you won't drive others out of their room.


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