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Young Lord of The Dragon Sect novel Chapter 43

At home.

Victoria and the other three were gathering around the sofa, looking sad.

"How about I go and beg Grandpa Samuel, maybe we can put it off a couple of days." Marcus said.

After all, she was his daughter. The chance was slim for her to regain the contract from the Graham Group.

Upon hearing this, Laura's face blossomed into a smile and she said hurriedly.

“Yes, you go to beg your father, maybe it works. After all, you're his son, too.”

Victoria, on the other hand, shook her head and sighed.

"You guys forgot about Franklin, he's definitely going to make a mess out of this. Now, Grandpa only believes what he says, and our words mean nothing to him."

The realization was like cold water splashing directly on their hearts.

Laura jumped around in anger and said,"If nothing works, do you really want Grandpa Samuel to kick you out of the company?"

With that, she glared at Maximilian, who was mopping the floor beside, and got up and chided.

"It's all because of you. Tell me, what a mess you're making! If Victoria gets kicked out of the company, you just get the hell out of our house!”

Laura was mad at this bastard Maximilian!

“Okay mom, don't scold him, he's doing it for my good.’

Victoria frowned her willow-shaped brows and spoke for him.

She didn't want to see Maximilian right now, so she paid no attention to him.

Maximilian wanted to tell her the truth, and he could hand the contract for her, but, he held back.

In this situation now, even if he said so, who would believe him?

Just then, the doorbell rang. Laura's face was unpleasant as she shouted “who is it?” Before glaring at Maximilian and scolding him.

"Why are you still standing there? Go and open the door, I am really angry at the sight of you!"

Maximilian ran over to the door with a full smile on his face and opened it.

As soon as the door opened, the smile on Maximilian's face froze.

Because, in the doorway stood a spirited man in a well-tailored, expensive suit.

Travis Hart!

“Why are you here?" Maximilian’s face darkened, and he was very unhappy.

This guy had been pursuing Victoria for years and was always try his best to humiliate and taunt Maximilian at every opportunity available.

The last time he gave Victoria a necklace, Maximilian still remembered it in his heart.

"Oh, Travis is here, come in and sit next to Victoria.’

Laura was busy getting up and greeted him enthusiastically before pushing away Maximilian.

"What are you doing standing in the doorway, and why don't you prepare a cup of tea for our guest!"

Laura saw that Travis was carrying large and small gift boxes in his hand, and she became even more enthusiastic, and took them as soon as she could.

“You can come at any time, why do you bring so many gifts? You are just too polite.”

“My pleasure. These are for you and Uncle Marcus.”

Travis laughed and glanced at Maximilian, and his face turned sarcastic. What a submissive loser.

Your mother-in-law treated me, an outsider, much better than you, her son-in-law.

After beckoning Travis to sit beside Victoria, Laura kept smiling at the two of them, the more she looked at them, the more delighted she became.

That look was attentive as if she was looking at his future son-in-law, then she said.

“You are so good together, what a perfect match.”

The words made the atmosphere in the room a little awkward.

Victoria gave Laura a blank look and said coyly. "Mom, what are you babbling about?” Her mind was in turmoil right now.

Laura didn't care, while glaring at her daughter, she said,

“What am I talking about? Look at Travis, he got talent, handsome look, and decent family background. A man like him, you can't hardly find a second! He's much better than that loser!"

Laura really liked Travis from the bottom of her heart, but when her eyes fell on the approaching Maximilian, and she instantly changed to a different person, mean and indifferent.

Looked at him. Travis, the grandson of the Hart Group, was a talented handsome young man in H city, with tens of millions of assets.

If her daughter married him, she would become a rich lady and enjoy a happy and wealthy life.

Victoria was embarrassed and blushed slightly.

Maximilian came up with a cup of tea, and pretended not to hear it.

It didn't matter. She could say whatever she like.

Travis took Maximilian's brewed tea, his eyes glanced at him proudly, and that look was arrogant to the maximum.

At the same time, his gaze fell on Victoria, full of love and admiration.

This woman, he had a crush for her for a long time. But, she married Maximilian, a loser!

Victoria, I would make you understand that the bastard Maximilian was not worthy of you at all!

I, Travis, was the one for you!

“Why are you standing here? Go to mop the floor!"

Laura immediately instructed with an unhappy face when he saw Maximilian standing dumbfounded.

Victoria sat aside, her heart not feeling well. She glanced at Maximilian who picked up the mop and continued to mop the floor, the disappointment in her eyes intensified.


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