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Young Lord of The Dragon Sect novel Chapter 50

The smile on Travis's face froze instantly, his expression cloudy as he stared angrily at Maximilian.

What did he mean? He was just a fucking loser. Didn't he know his status?

How dare Maximilian ruin his show again and again. Travis was annoyed!

Did Maximilian think that he was a sick cat if he didn't show anger?

However, without waiting for Travis to stand up and reprimand Maximilian, Laura was the first to get up and threw a slap on Maximilian’s face!

Maximilian was a little dazed by the sudden slap, and he squeezed his hands under the table.

Don't hit people in the face. His mother-in-law just went too far.

“What nonsense are you talking about? If It’s not for the sake of Travis, is it for the sake of you, a rotten bastard?

You're just a lazy, poor, and powerless wimp. We took pity on you and made you as our son-in-law. Don't you have any self-consciousness?

Travis is the master of the Hart Group and you are just a loser. How can you compare to him?

If our family depends on you, we would have to live on the air long ago!”

Laura was furious, and all her good mood today was ruined by this bastard, Maximilian.

“Mom, what are you doing?” Victoria felt uncomfortable when she saw Maximilian being beaten and reprimanded. She hurriedly got up and pulled Laura to sit down. Then she looked at Maximilian with great dissatisfaction and said, “Well, you just shut your mouth up.”

Victoria was disappointed with Maximilian’s performance today.

He did nothing but to cause trouble for her.

However, after all, he was her husband, and Sissy’s father.

After all, she had loved him for four years, and at this moment, seeing Laura slapping him like this in front of an outside, Victoria felt uncomfortable.

So what she could do was to let him shut up.

“Auntie, it’s okay. Take it easy. Maximilian is just jealous. It’s fine.”

Travis originally wanted show his anger, but when he saw Laura slapping Maximilian’s face fiercely, he felt much more at ease, and his complexion immediately changed and became hypocritical.

He thought it was unlucky to be a man like Maximilian.

In contrast, Laura thought Travis was her wishful son-in-law.

“Travis, don't take offense at him. He is just a poor man with a short will”

Laura showed a smile on her face.

“It’s okay, auntie. I don’t care about someone weaker than me. It would be a humiliation for me.” Travis said in a voice full of ridicule.

Maximilian’s eyebrows knitted in a frown and his face took on a ghastly expression. He suddenly stood up and said, “Mom, this room is...”

He didn't want to feign! He would tell the truth! Damn Travis! He took all the credits!

“Don't call me mom! You wimp, sit down! If you say one more word, I will beat you to death after I go back.”

Laura cursed angrily and interrupted Maximilian’s words directly.

“Mom, that’s enough. Both of you just shut up.” Victoria got angry and said with a cold face.

“Well, I'll stop. I don't know what kind of ecstasy this wimp had fed you.”

Laura said as she glared at Maximilian.

“Auntie, don't be angry. Let's look at the menu and not let someone raffish affect our mood for dinner’

Travis said with a grim smile and a hypocritical laugh.

“Okay, let’s order.”

Laura took the menu and looked at it a few times. She smiled like a flower girl.

Now, she completely forgot that this meal was Victoria's treat, and thought it was Travis’s treat.

Laura swallowed when she looked at the exquisite and gorgeous pictures of the dishes. These dishes were so cheap, so she ordered a lot in one breath.

When they finished ordering, the menu was passed to Victoria, skipping right over Maximilian.

Victoria, who couldn't bear that, handed the menu to Maximilian and looked at it together with Maximilian. Then she asked in a whisper,

“What do you want to eat? They look cheap.”

Maximilian froze and turned his head to look at Victoria on his side. She had a very beautiful side face, pink cheeks, red lips, and a high nose.

She was still so kind, and cared about him.


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