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Young Lord of The Dragon Sect novel Chapter 61

After saying this, Victoria's heart also trembled, how could she think that way?

Even if Maximilian was capable, could he still make so many companies choose to cut off their cooperation with Yunsheng Pharmaceutical?

What kind of terrifying strength would it take to do all this?

So, as soon as Victoria's words left her mouth, she felt that she was over thinking.

Maximilian had a heart thump on the other hand, looked at Victoria's face and tried to explain.

"Victoria, actually......”

"Well, you don't have to explain, I'm the one who's over thinking about it.How could you have that kind of means and strength, you're just a son-in-law that our family recruited in.

Victoria laughed to herself. Every woman wanted her husband to be capable and admired in front of and behind people. But that was just a thought.

What kind of person Maximilian was and what kind of financial conditions he had, Victoria knew very well in her heart.

Maximilian glanced at Victoria, and the corners of his mouth smiled slightly, but he didn't say anything.

It didn't take long for a knock on the door, and Maximilian told Victoria to go back to her bedroom and not come out, after all, she just said that she went out to travel with Leila, so she couldn't show her face.

This guy Franklin, who was arrogant and domineering as always, banged on the door and shouted,

"Victoria, I know you're home, open the door for me!"

Maximilian cleaned up and went over to open the door.

Outside the door, Franklin's face was full of anger as he stared at Maximilian and yelled.

"Maximilian, you dared to hang up on me just now, didn't you?"

“l accidentally knocked it off." Maximilian chuckled.

Franklin was furious, raised his fist and swung it at Maximilian’s face.

"Fuck! You're just a loser married into my Griffith family, how dare you hang up on me, you're looking for a fight!"

Bang! Franklin's punch fell short and was directly squeezed by one of Maximilian’s hands fiercely, and then he raised his foot

and kicked Franklin in the knee!

Franklin instantly felt the pain, his entire body limped backwards several steps and his entire face became distorted from the pain, following which he fell to the ground on his butt!

“How dare you! Maximilian, how dare you strike out at Franklin, do you not put me, your eldest uncle, in your eyes!"

When Andrew saw this scene at this moment, his eyes were furious as he rushed up.

Maximilian smiled coldly while his eyes staring chillingly at Andrew, and yelled.

“Andrew, it was your son who did it first, if you want to cover him up, you can try doing it to me by yourself.”

Andrew's heart trembled when he came into contact with Maximilian's gaze.

The look in this loser's eyes was so scary just now, it was like he was facing a lion that was about to wake up!

That aura was definitely not something that a wimp could show. Hadn't he always been a wimp?

Why was he acting so strong today?

“Maximilian, you've turned against me, how dare you hit me, I'll kill you!"

Franklin got up from the ground at this moment while gritting his teeth and pointing at Maximilian and shouting.

Maximilian simply said indifferently, “If you're here to argue, then please go back."

With that, Maximilian was about to close the door with his hand.

Andrew pushed the door open as soon as he could and said to Maximilian with a cold face.

"Get out of my way. We're here for Victoria, What qualifications you have to talk to us.”

Maximilian smiled and said, "Don't you, by now, still understand the importance of the matter?

Once you lose the cooperation of the Graham Group, what Yunsheng Pharmaceutical and the Griffith family would face, you


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