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Young Lord of The Dragon Sect novel Chapter 95

The crowd was stunned and turned their attention to the young man who had suddenly stepped forward.

He was a very ordinary guy. What made him say such words?

Was it possible for him to be a hero to save a beauty?

That was 40k dollars!

A lot of people let out contemptuous disdain!

The man, dressed in ordinary clothes, spoke like he was rich and generous.

"Oh, where's the poor man from? He was actually pretending to be rich here.”

“I guess he saw her pretty face and had a purpose in his mind.”

"How could that happen when it comes to him?

He was dressed in shabby cloth and was a loser at first glance.”

Many people mocked him and sneered openly and secretly, ignoring Maximilian's feelings completely.

Sara looked up at this time with tearful eyes to see Maximilian, and she was immediately ashamed. In her eyes, Maximilian was a bragging poor loser. Her embarrassment had been seen by such a loser, how could she not be angry?

And, she thought Maximilian had just come over to taunt her!

"Maximilian, what are you doing over here? Go away. I don't need your help here!”

Sara scolded him with shame.

In the middle of the crowd, Wendy ran over.

"Sara, what's wrong with you?"

"Wendy ......”

When Sara saw Wendy coming, her tears broke at once and she wrapped her arms around her and started crying.

"Sara, it's okay. What's wrong? Talk to me.”

Wendy said to comfort her, gently patting Sara's back.

She did notice the broken bottle on the ground and the large puddle of red wine, plus the accusations from the onlookers, and she immediately understood.

Sara was in trouble!

"Wendy, I broke four bottles of Lafite and she wants me to pay 40k dollars!”

Sara was crying her heart out.

“Forty thousand?” Wendy was startled.

Her family was not much better, and it was 40k dollars, and she didn't have that much of money either.

She even regretted stepping into it now. It was hard for her to not help her best friend.

The waitress next to her got tired of waiting and said in a cold voice.

“Please pay for the damage you've done ASAP. I have work to do, or I'll call the police.”

The restaurant was surrounded by so many people, and if she didn't take care of it on time, she would be criticized as a waitress.

“Don't call the police, please don't, I'm sure I'll pay for it."

Sara cried and shook her head, and turned her hopeful gaze to Wendy, pleading,

"Wendy, you're my best sister, you're going to help me, right?"

Wendy had no way to back down, and she said with an embarrassing face.

"Sara, I...... I don't have that much money, you know my family's situation, and I still have to pay for my brother's tuition.

As soon as Sara heard that, she became even more flustered in her heart, and she despised Wendy a million times more.

It was surely enough that they were toxic friends who couldn't be trusted when it came to the moment of truth.

"Sara, why don't you go and ask Harry? He must have money, maybe he can help you out. Since you two had just made out anyway, he shouldn't leave you in the lurch."

Wendy suggested.

"Is it okay if I... do this?”

Sara was ashamed, as asking Harry for help would make him look down on her.

She had always been a goddess of gravitas in front of people.

But there was nothing she could do now except begging for help.

"Hurry up, will you? I'll really call the police if you don't.’

The waitress prodded her.


Sara couldn't stop her tears from flowing out, and finally, with a resolute look, she immediately took out her cell phone and called Harry.

Harry was sulking in the room when he suddenly received a call from Sara, who was crying. And after asking for why, he said arrogantly.

“Okay, wait, I'll be right over. It's just a few bottles of wine, why bother?”


After hanging up the phone, Harry arrived with a line of colleagues, and shouted from a long distance away.

"Hey, what's going on? Are you bullying my girlfriend, right? It's just a few bottles of Lafite, how much can they be worthy of?”

Harry was very upset just now, so he couldn't wait to earn her face back in front of the crowd.

When Sara saw Harry coming, she immediately jumped into his arms and cried with pearly tears.

“Harry, they're mean to me!

And I have to pay 40k dollars!”

Sara whispered with her affectedly sweet voice.

Harry put his arm around Sara and said a few comforting words.

“All right, all right, it's only forty thousand dollars. I'll take care of it for you.”

Sara's face was overjoyed when she heard it. She was busy wiping her tears and kept thanking him.


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