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Young Lord of The Dragon Sect novel Chapter 99

Inside the villa, Connor Davies was talking with his inner circle members.

Last time when Benjamin was uprooted, he could not eat such a hug piece of cake for a while and needed to discuss with his men.

After all, it was a matter of dozens of fields, with too many interests and connections involved behind the scenes, and he had

to handle them properly.

At this moment, seeing Sasha running in anxiously, Connor raised an eyebrow and asked,

"What's the matter? Why are you so panic?"

“Master Connor, Mr. Lee has been captured.”

Sasha, with her head covered in fragrant sweat, said anxiously.

"I just came back from outside and heard from our men that Mr. Lee was arrested at Shangri-La Hotel and put into the police station.”

Connor Davies raised up violently, his face full of shock and anger, and roared,

“What do you mean? How did Mr. Lee get arrested? Why?”

"I heard Mr. Lee molested a woman and was caught red-handed.

But according to what our men said, it was the woman of a nobody named Martin, and she was not clean. I suppose it was a

plot against Mr. Lee.”

Sasha said while looking anxious as well.

"Martin?" With a puzzled look on his face, Connor said in a domineering manner.

"Never even heard of this name, how dare he touch Mr. Lee? He's looking for death!”

Connor's face was cold and sullen, with a murderous intent in his eyes, and ordered,

“Take a few men to get them all, and especially take care of that Martin and ask who the hell told him to do it! Also, call

Anthony and tell him to release him immediately!"

Connor understood that if Mr. Lee was arrested, the whole Han city would have an earthquake!

These guys were so bold that they even dared to arrest Mr. Lee!

“Yes, Master Connor!" Sasha excused herself, and left.

Connor got up, left the villa in a hurry, and drove to somewhere himself.

After Maximilian was arrested and taken away, Victoria had been staying with Travis, trying to figure out what to do.

"Travis, you must help Maximilian this time, because he wouldn't do anything like that. They must have deliberately framed

him, and I'm afraid something will happen to Maximilian.”

Victoria was in tears and was worried about Maximilian's situation.

In order to comfort her, Travis said,

“Victoria, don't worry, I will definitely try my best to help him. Don't worry! I will call my dad, and he should know quite a few


Victoria nodded her head, teardrops rolling over in her red eyes.

Now, she could only pin her hope on Travis.

Travis pretended to call his dad, and after a small talk, Travis's face became dark and sad.

While seeing this, Victoria's heart was seized and she asked, “Travis, what about it? Does Uncle Hart have a solution?"

Travis sighed and said, “Victoria, my dad's side has already sent someone to ask, but this matter can be big or small, so I

guess we won't know the details until tomorrow.”

Victoria knew it wasn't easy to ask for help, and she nodded while asking eagerly.

"Travis, can you please help me contact those people from earlier?

They can charge as much as they want, and we can settle with cash.”

Travis was silent, and the more he did so, the more anxious Victoria became.

After a long time, Travis said, "I'll give it a try."

Actually, Travis's heart was full of cold laughter and smugness.

Would he help Maximilian?

That was definitely not possible! He cannot wait to make Maximilian locked inside forever, so he could finally be with Victoria


Meanwhile, in the Imperial Room of the Royal Court Club.

Connor walked in with a sexy and hotly dressed secretary.

Looking at Mr. Wilfred who was working in the opposite seat, Connor's body was always indebted and his face was respectful.

“Master Wilfred, Mr. Connor is here.”

The female secretary said with a sweet, clear voice.

Wilfred raised his head, looked at Connor, and asked with a smile.

“Oh, Connor, Why do you come to see me now?"

Connor was a little flustered, as he lowered his head and said hurriedly.

“Master Wilfred, something's happened, Mr. Lee has been arrested.”

“What?” Wilfred was stunned, his face instantly fell and he asked in a deep voice,

“The young master was captured? By whom?"

At the same time, the door was pushed open again, and a secretary came in flustered while saying.

"Master Wilfred, the young master was deliberately falsely accused of assaulting a woman and has been taken away.”

In an instant, a piercing chill and searing rage permeated the entire room!


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