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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15 

As the sun set in the west, the golden light pierced through the clouds and shone brightly

Joseph sat in the back row, exhausted. The luxury car drove towards 

Mazeland Manor

Mr. Sawle, I have already dealt with the marketing accounts 

badmouthing the Young Madam, and I have already sent a lawyer’s letter. It should be enough for them to have.” 

However, on the side of the wedding news, the hot search could not be suppressed no matter what. Thisis very hard to deal with. Max looked troubled

Joseph looked out of the window with a gloomy gaze

Along the way, he had wanted to contact Raya many times on impulse, but when he thought of the last conversation that ended unhappily, and this time he had to talk to her through Oscar, he felt a little embarrassed. Even if he called her, she answered, what did he say

Sorry for what happened today

He couldn’t say it, but his heart felt like it was being pressed by a boulder, so heavy that he couldn’t breathe

Just as the RollsRoyce was about to reach Mazeland Manor, Joseph suddenly frowned

Stop the car.” 

The driver braked and stopped by the roadside

Before Max could ask, Joseph had already opened the car door and stepped out

He crossed the road and went straight to a tailor shop with a retroface

There was a tailored suit hanging from the bright closet window, and there were two words written on the plaque above his head Long Miss

Joseph suddenly remembered that these two words were written on the suit box that Raya gave him

His tall figure pushed open the door and entered. The wind chime shook and an old tailor walked out

Sir, are you taking clothes or making clothes?” 

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Joseph was dazed for a moment. After hesitating for a while, he asked, About a month ago, did a woman in her twenties make a man’s suit here?” 

Ah! Yes, yes! There was such a little girl! Oh, her hands were very skillful. I have a deep impression of her!” 

The old tailor remembered that Raya’s eyes were shining. That girl is very talented in design. I have been in this business for 40 years. To be honest, even I really can’t compare to her!” 

During that time, did she come here to make clothes every day?Joseph asked in a low voice

Yes, she came on time every morning, and then she kept making it until we closed in the evening. Several times I saw her tired and lying on the table to rest. She couldn’t even take a sip of water the whole day. It was really heartbreaking.” 

The old tailor recalled, I asked her if she was sending her father or boyfriend this suit. She blushed and said it was for her lover. Oh, I didn’t expect her to be married at such a young age. I don’t know whose kid is so lucky to have married her!” 


This word was like thorns on the rose stem, quietly stinging his trembling heart

She talked a lot about her lover, and her eyes were shining. I think that girl must love her husband very much. Otherwise, how could she really make clothes with her own hands?” 

A needle with a thread is the testament to her affection for him. Oh right, who are you? How did you know her?” 

Joseph’s throat moved, and he said in a daze, I am that lover.” 

The old tailor was directly dumbfounded, and he looked at the man hard, A perfect match!” 

When Joseph came out of the tailor shop, the afterglow of the setting sun shone on his face, and he felt like everything was a dream

It was a dream that Raya had left for him

Could it be that the woman was sincere to him

But was there really such a rational person in the world who was like a schizophrenic? When she followed him, her eyes were filled with him. When she left him, she could seamlessly connect with another man and 

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throw herself into another man’s embrace

Joseph felt empty in his heart. This feeling was unprecedented

Mr. Sawle! Why are you shopping in a tailor shop? You usually wear big brands, when did you change your taste?” Max was a fool and could not understand the situation at all

No, let’s go back.” 

Suddenly, his phone vibrated

Joseph was about to get a PDST by his phone today. He frowned and took it out to take a look. Only then did he heave a sigh of relief

It was his best friend, the eldest young master of the Anderson family, Vincent Anderson


Come out tonight. Let me celebrate for you.Vincent said cheerfully

What are you celebrating?” 

That depends on you. We can either celebrate your marriage or your divorce.” 

Get lost.” 

Haha! Just kidding. My new place is open today. Just treat it as a show of support for me, okay? It seems that you haven’t seen me for a long time. Have you lost your brotherhood toward me?” 

Joseph hesitated for a moment and gasped

See you tonight.” 

That night, Chloe took the spoon and made a sumptuous dinner for Riley

Chloe, you are allergic to smoke. Although this kind of kitchen air is not too much of a pollutant, it is better to not breathe in too much.Riley looked at the table of delicious food and was concerned about Chloe’s health

It’s okay. Anyway, I always make” 

Only then did Chloe realize that she had let it slip. There was nothing she could do. She was too relaxed with her brother. She had no scruples at all

WTF! You can’t possibly cook for Joseph every day in the past three 

A BillionRich Woman Was Chased by Her ExHusband 

years, right? I’ll give him a f*cking slap in the face if it is so!Riley was so angry that he almost flipped the table

It’s nothing. It’s only right for a wife to wash her husband’s hands and cook soup. But it doesn’t matter. In the future, I will never do such things.” 

Chloe laughed heartily, but it was laughable that it could not hide the disappointment and sadness in her eyes

Riley, who had always been laughing and cursing, suddenly became serious. He walked up to her, opened his arms and hugged his sister, like a clam shell protecting the pearl

Those three years you are like feeding a dog. In the future, brother will spoil you with his life! Your Royal Highness!” 

It was nine o’clock in the evening

There were many young socialites and young masters gathered in the newly opened nightclub ACE of the Anderson family. After all, who wouldn’t come to support Vincent the big shot in Medo

The sound of the engine whistled over. The appearance of the limited edition Bugatti made all the women envious and all the men shed tears

The deputy driver, Riley, walked down first. Tonight, he wore casual clothes and changed from the serious image of the former prosecutor. He was handsome and noble

At this time, the door of the driver’s seat opened

Chloe stepped out of the car, her tight and sexy silver suspender short skirt shimmering in the blurred light, her black hair cascading in big waves, and her unique diamond tassel earrings sparkling like stars around the moon. She placed her hand in the man’s palm

The handsome men outside the door were ogling her, saliva dripping from their mouths

Amitabha, are you wearing too coquettish clothes tonight?Riley was so scared that he quickly hugged his sister

What? I am not beautiful?Chloe raised her eyebrows seductively

Beautiful! Very beautiful! I am just afraid that these wolves with green eyes will pounce on you and bite you!” 

If anyone dares to bite me, I will pull out his teeth one by one. Do you 


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