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A Bird in the Cage novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Why

“How could you not get what he meant? I guess you’re really too innocent. What he meant was that we got connected to Mr. Walker because of you, Cath. That’s why he was willing to help us. Actually, I think Luca is just being modest and letting you take the credit for it all.”

“Yes, Dad. Luca treats me the best. Have some more food, Luca,” Catherine mentioned and kept adding food to his plate.

At that moment, she began to regret having mentioned Ryan in front of her parents. Luca had better not say anything unnecessary anymore.

During the whole meal, Catherine had an incredibly tough time talking about more casual topics so that it wouldn’t be too awkward.

Since she didn’t want them to have too many conversations with each other, she complained that she wanted to go home right after the meal.

“Now that the two of you seem to get along so well and you’ve been married for two years, isn’t it about time to consider having a child, Cath?” Winnie asked, right before seeing them off.

“We will, Mom. Don’t be so anxious about it. We will tell you as soon as there’s any good news,” Catherine said casually. After listening to Winnie nag a little bit more, Catherine bid her father goodbye and left.

While Luca drove, Catherine sat in the back seat.

The whole journey, he kept his eyes forward and looked indifferent as if sitting in the same car with her was an insult to him.

“Why do you hate me so much, Luca? Is it because

I hurt Ryan before?” she asked in a straightforward


Glancing indifferently back at her delicate face through the rearview mirror, Luca mocked sarcastically,” I think you know the answer to that question.”

Actually, it didn’t matter what tone he took when he talked with her. After all, it all definitely boiled down to the fact that he either misunderstood something or she hurt Ryan too deeply. That was why he would hate her so much.

At that point, Catherine planned to tell him the truth in exchange for his honesty.

“I had a car accident when I was 18 and I lost some of my memories. I hope you can tell me whether I have been in a relationship with Ryan or if I have hurt him before.”

Two years ago, her mother arranged the blind date and told her that it was the president of Walker Group, an eligible bachelor.

In fact, she still remembered that the blind date was on a Friday when they agreed to meet in a cafe, but she ended up sitting at the wrong table and met Cayden by accident.


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