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A Bird in the Cage novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Schemes

“Did you scheme so elaborately all just to ask for ten million dollars?” Ryan questioned.

Since she was anxious about solving her problem at the time, she didn’t think too much about it. She thought what he said meant something else..

All her interactions with everyone, including meeting Cayden in front of him became part of her

so-called elaborate scheme.

Could his hatred for her have stemmed from what had happened between her and Cayden? Was it his possessiveness that caused him to suspect that she actually gave up her virginity to Cayden but had a re-virginization surgery for Ryan?

When she thought of it that way, it seemed to

make sense. However, she couldn’t seem to make sense of the fact that he was so sure about what had happened to her before she was 18 and that she felt a sense of familiarity with him.

“Get out. Stop pretending. I’m warning you, don’t have any ideas about Mr. Walker. I’ll always be watching you,” Luca warned impatiently when he saw Catherine in a daze.

Now that she realized there was nothing she could find out from him, she thought she might as well go home and try to find things out from her parents instead.

Ignoring Luca, Catherine silently opened the car door and got out, which made Luca surprised.

However, he thought of her as a scourge and couldn’t wait for her to disappear from Mr. Walker’s life completely.

Despite how gently Catherine opened the door to her parent’s house, they still heard her. When her parents asked why she was back, she casually said that she couldn’t bear to leave them and wanted to stay the night here.

Upon hearing that, Winnie was so happy that she slept with Catherine in her room.

Afraid that Ryan would suddenly summon her in the middle of the night, Catherine turned off her cellphone before she went to sleep.

At 11 pm, the landline at home rang, and Winnie woke up to answer it.

“It’s Luca, Cath. He said he couldn’t sleep alone at home so he’s downstairs right now and he wants to pick you up.”

When Catherine heard that Luca called, her heart instantly sank. After all, Ryan was definitely the

one who asked him to pick her up. Couldn’t that a**h*l* leave her alone for one day?

No matter how dissatisfied she was, she couldn’t disobey him or Luca would definitely barge in.

Mom, I’m leaving.”

Mr. Walker-”


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