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A Cue for Love novel Chapter 7

Yara pushed the door open and stepped inside.

She wasn’t fond of the twins. However, she put on a smile in an attempt to get on their good side as she said, “Hello, my dear children. I’m here to see you.”

The twins, who were sitting on a wool rug, felt a chill run down their spine when they heard Yara say that.

Even though Samuel had personally admitted that Yara was their mother, they simply didn’t like her. In fact, it could be said that they hated her.

Franklin rolled his eyes, and a cheeky look flashed in them.

“Can you come over here?” he asked.

Yara had no idea what Franklin had up his sleeve but walked over anyway.

“I have something really important to show you,” he declared.

He tried his best to hide his sly expression, and instead made the most innocent look he could muster.

Seeing that Franklin had lowered his guard toward her, Yara wanted to take the chance to get closer to him. In a gentle tone, she said, “Sure. Let me see what it is.”

Franklin pulled his hand out from behind his back, where there was a small, snow-white snake twined around it.

“This is my pet, Moony,” he explained.

It was as if the snake had understood that Franklin was introducing it. Its amber eyes were fixed on Yara, and it began to flick its tongue excitedly.

The sight of it gave Yara the shock of her life, and she backed up immediately.

“Get it away from me! Hurry up! Don’t come close!” she shrieked.

Franklin gave Moony a few pets, then purposely made his way over to Yara.

“Sophia and I really like this snake. If you’re scared of it, then leave,” he stated.

Sophia couldn’t speak, but she nodded from the side.

Yara stared at the scheming twins, and she was so frustrated she could explode. She seriously wanted to slap them both in the face but held back after considering the consequences.

“I’m your mother! You guys are crossing the line right now,” she warned. Then, she left their room in a fit of rage.

Franklin had a look of exasperation on his face. “She’s useless, really. I can’t believe she was that scared just because of Moony. Daddy must have been blind to take a liking to someone like her.”

Sophia nodded in agreement as she once again thought about the woman she had bumped into in the airport.


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