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A Cue for Love novel Chapter 8

Natalie switched off the green light in the autopsy room then took off her mask and goggles before making her way to the office area.

When she was about to sit down and sign the autopsy report, she noticed containers of food stacked up on her desk. “Acapella” was printed on all of the plastic bags.

“What is this, Brandon?” she asked with her eyebrows furrowed.

“Someone ordered delivery for you, Boss.” He eyed the containers in envy as he continued, “Acapella is the most gourmet restaurant in Dellmoor. Apparently, it’s membership-only, and getting one costs a million. I wonder what kind of person would be powerful enough to get Acapella to deliver food this late at night.”

“For me?” Natalie was even more confused. “Who ordered it?”

Brandon picked up a small card beside the boxes and read it aloud. “It must be hard working so late at night, Ms. Nichols. Regards, Samuel Bowers.”

After reading it, he was completely stunned, and Effie couldn’t make sense of it either.

They couldn’t deny the fact that Natalie was incredibly skilled as a coroner. However, in terms of appearance, she didn’t stand out at all. Her face was the definition of forgettable. They just couldn’t believe that Samuel would have bad enough taste to go after someone like Natalie. However, the boxes of delivery from Acapella forced them to accept that there was some kind of special connection between the two of them.

Brandon summoned up the courage to ask, “Boss, what kind of relationship do you have with Samuel?”

“We don’t know each other,” she insisted.

“You must be kidding, Boss.”

“Believe whatever you want.”

She snatched the card from Brandon’s grip and threw it into the trash. Then, she swept her gaze over the containers in front of her and icily ordered, “Give these to the people working overtime in the forensic department, Brandon. If there’s too much even for them, then give some to the guards too.”

She then took out some crackers from her bag and began munching on them.

Brandon couldn’t comprehend what was going on. “Are you not going to eat this food from Acapella, Boss? Why are you eating crackers instead?”

Natalie rolled her eyes. “Do you have a problem with that?”

He shook his head frantically. “Not at all. I’ll go distribute these right away.”

Natalie continued to chew the crackers. She didn’t even spare the containers a single glance.

It didn’t matter how luxurious Acapella was. She refused to accept something that she didn’t deserve. However, considering how hard it was to get one’s hands on food like that, she decided it would still be best to share it with others.


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